I'm Not Crazy

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"This must be your dog." He spoke while Siren happily wagged her tail in his arms. The first time she saw him it was all growls and barks now she seemed to be happy with him. Still, it didn't explain how she go out.

I know that wasn't what I should have been thinking about at the moment. Siren was right here in front of me safe and unharmed. That should have been the only thing on my mind, but I wonder how. I just needed to know.

"OH MY GOSH! You're a lifesaver thank you! Where did you find her?" I asked, taking Siren from him into my arms. Again, when he touched me I felt shocks. I know wasn't feeling things because our eyes met when it happen. I noticed again that his touch was slightly cold as before and it was a hot summer day.

He smiled, which made me stare up at his beautiful face. "I happened to hear her barking this morning on my way to work. She was looking into the woods sitting there growling and barking. I thought I remembered her from the other day with you but didn't know exactly where you lived. I did the next best thing I took her to work with me. Oh, and she didn't have a collar on. You need to make sure you keep one on a dog like her. People love small dogs and would steal her in a heartbeat. You're lucky it was me that found her and no one else."

"Wait she was a collar," I spoke looking at her neck confused. "I-I-I don't understand. I never take off her collar. Umm... thank you again. I don't know how I can repay you."

"Don't worry, I'm sure we will find a way."

I smiled again as I started walking away. I felt myself getting pulled to this man. It was like I wanted him... needed him and had to get away. I knew if I didn't would have done something crazy.

"Until tonight, Yasmine." He whispered, making me spin around to address him. Yet again he was gone. I couldn't understand how this man could disappear so fucking fast.

"How did you get out, Siren? I know I didn't let you out," I said, talking to the dog as if she was going to talk back. Instead, Siren stared up at me, wagging her little tail as she tried to lick me in the face. Honestly, I was relieved someone found her returning her to me. She was my child since I was told three years ago, that I could never have children.

It didn't matter anyhow. It was already hard to find someone to love me enough to have children with. Why should it matter? I loved children but to a point of spoiling them and sending them back to where they came from. My brother had two of them, and I tried to spoil them, but both hated me as much as I hated them.

Plus, children are messy, and I didn't have the time to care for them without help. Siren was different, and I wasn't like I was looking to get a dog. It just happened. One day, I walk by the pet store; there her siblings and her were sitting in the front window.

For some reason or another, Siren caught my eye, unlike all the other puppies who were running around playing with toys. She just sat there staring out the window waiting like she lost something. I couldn't leave her there. She didn't belong there, and it ended with me buying a twenty-five-hundred-dollar dog, which I have been in love with since then. Crazy, I know, but she is mine, and I am hers.

"Don't you ever do that shit again, Siren. Fuck I had to go to work this morning thinking if I would never see you again." I said, hugging her and kissing the top of her furry head. She let out a soft whine nuzzling her head into my neck.

How could I stay mad at the only thing that loves me?

I couldn't. Siren knew this it was the reason she was trying her best to be babied. I loved every moment of it as I sighed walking into the elevator happy that Siren was in my arms. That faded seeing Jason leaning against the wall.

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