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A whole week passed and I was relieved that today was Friday. The fucking weekend meant no Frank and no co-workers that thought I was sleeping with Frank to get my promotion. They didn't believe that I worked hard for it and our boss didn't make it any better. Still, the good that was I was off of work, still in the building but off.

I was packing my belongings, readying myself to leave as Frank came to my door standing watching. The shit was uncomfortable, and it was concerning.

"Can I help you, Frank?" I asked and besides answering my questions he walked in shutting the door and locking it. I started to panic as he took long strides reaching where I stood.

Immediately I started scanning the room for something to protect myself with. My eyes landed on a silver letter opener made with real silver. The damn thing cost me six hundred dollars but it was pretty as fuck and without thought, I reached for it.

"Frank, I don't know what you want, but you need to back the fuck up now. You are my boss. There is enough talk going around the office and I'm not interested in making it true. I will not be fucking my boss and I don't fucking care what it cost me."

He ignore me now standing so close that my breast was nearly touching his stomach. That is how short I was to him, but he was staring down at me like a dog in heat. His eyes were set on my chest as if he was imagining ways to tear off my shirt.

"F-Frank, p-please s-stop think about t-this. P-please s-step back. I-I don't w-want to h-hurt you."

"Hurt me? Baby, you can't hurt me. I do wonder how he would feel if I fuck you hard against this desk. Take you by the hair and bent that beautiful ass over... have you scream my name for hours straight." My brows furrowed together trying to understand what he was talking about. How would who feel? I was single still I didn't want him.

"What are you talking about? Frank, you're not making any sense. Please move."

His hand went to my breast, and my reflexes kick in, bringing the letter opener down on his arm. Soon as it touched him he started to scream like I stabbed him through the heart. Frank's other hand gripped my throat and slung me across the room like I was a rag doll.

My head hit the wall; my vision started to burr before everything went black. Sometime later, I woke in bed sitting up slowly, confused, as I looked around. Siren was in the chair in the corner, and I was still fully clothed, which I grateful for.

I sighed, pulling myself out of the bed, looking over to my clock on the nightstand reading 10:30 pm. I had to make sure it was the same day, so I search for my phone checking the date.

Letting a shaky breath as I noticed only a couple of hours had passed. Still, I was confused about what happened. Right now, my head was hurting too fucking bad to think.

Instead, I walked into my bathroom, looking at the bruise that had formed on my forehead and neck. I know none of it was a dream as I looked to the door where Siren sat staring with curiosity. Sometimes I felt something was off about her but I could put my finger on it.

"Yeah, I know, Siren. I get hurt more than a little bit, but I'm fine, baby girl. Let's get you something to eat."

That's all it took to get Siren excited as she jumped and ran into the kitchen but past her food bowl to the door. I thought she was excited about food but she wanted to go outside instead.

"Outside it is then," I said, grabbing her and attaching the leash to her collar before getting my keys and bag from the corner. After I made my way out the door and to the elevator like always Mason stepped out of the elevator.

"Damn, girl, what happened to you this time?"

"I fell and I don't remember much of it. Did you see me come home after work?" I asked while he stared at me, weirdly for a few seconds before speaking.

Not So Normal Yasmine * It all comes back * Book IWhere stories live. Discover now