Some of the Truth

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Nervously I lifted my hand to ring the dooring bell in front of me. I was scared and fighting with myself on whether I wanted to do it or not. Everyone watched as I fought with my inner thoughts while Siren's cocky little self rang the bell and stared at me, smirking. She was just as cocky as Silas but had my smart-ass mouth that I hated.

After, she hid behind Silas as we waited for someone to answer the door, which felt like forever. I sighed in relief when my older sister opened the door and stood there in disbelief. It was hard to tell if she wanted to hug me or send us on our way.

"Yasmine, what are you doing here?!" She whispered yelled, stepping out the door and shutting it behind her. I smiled, shrugging my shoulders before answering.

"I came for answers. Answer only our mother can tell me." Aniyah sighs as she steps over, shaking her head. I was sure she was about to say fuck off until she waved her hand and pointed to the living room for us to sit.

"Mama is in her art room. I'll see if I can pull her away from her painting. You know how she doesn't like to be disturbed."

"I know, but I don't care... And Niyah, don't tell her it's me that wants her, please."

"Trust me. I know not to." She spoke, leaving. Soon as she turned the corner, Silas raised to his feet, walking around the room. He was taking in the painting on the walls and other things.

"This is weird. Why does your mom only have paintings of you and your siblings when you were younger and pictures? Some of these or over four hundred years old... maybe older Yasmine. Does she like vintage painting?" He said, running his fingers across one of me as a baby. My head tilted slightly, watching as he stopped to stare at another one of me when I was about seventeen. Slowly he ran his finger down it like it was familiar to him.

"Silas, I think you need to sit. Don't you think?"

"Lily, I think you should mind your own fucking business and stay the hell out of mine," Silas spoke, making Lenora and I laugh while Callie frowned, and Siren giggled. Silas didn't care much about Lily, and she felt the same about him.

Something that I could be happy about. I smiled as my mother appeared from the hallway stopping in her tracks as she saw me. Her eyes drifted from me to Silas, causing her eyes to widen and slightly bow, making Silas stare until she caught sight of Lily. Quickly the smile she had disappeared into an evil glare.

"What the fuck are you doing in my house, Lily?"

"Linda, my dear sister, don't tell me you didn't miss me." She smirked, but my head whipped quickly to Lily and my mom. Sister?! My mom has a sister, which means Lily knew who I was this whole time. The bigger question is, why didn't I know about her? Did my sibling know? Also, why in the hell didn't Lily tell me who she was?

"Wait, you are my mama's sister? My aunt and you didn't feel the fucking need to tell me?"

"You have to understand the full story first, Yasmine. Only then will you understand why I didn't tell you."

"You didn't tell me either and slept with me knowing you were my soulmate's aunt. Do you know how many ways that shit is fucked up?"

"Soulmate? Don't tell me, you believe in the supernatural shit like my little sister?" Kenny asked, coming around the corner and standing beside my mother. She swiftly elbowed him in the ribs causing him to look down at her, confused. Silas opened his mouth without a thought, showing off his fangs as he made his eyes glow red.

"I believe I'm living proof that the paranormal does exist. Apparently, your mother and your aunt are too. Isn't that right, Linda? Why don't you start talking and tell us what we need to know about you and your children." Silas said while my mom hung her head, shaking it as Kenny stepped back, glaring. Slowly she looked from him, Aniyah, Marcus, and then back to me, sighing.

Not So Normal Yasmine * It all comes back * Book Iजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें