Old Friends

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"What the hell happen?" I asked, walking into the manor. Everyone just stood there staring and shrugging their shoulders. Someone had to know something.

"W-we don't know, Master. When she awoke this morn, I felt she was off somehow. It was a weird feeling, and Celeste must have felt it too because we both went running to your room as she got out of bed. About fifteen minutes later, I walked into the bathroom... she was talking to her herself. I felt the same strange presence but couldn't pinpoint it." Lenora explained as I sighed, rubbing my hand down my face. This was crazy; Yasmine was fine when I left her this morning. Now she was in a coma or something.

It had my nerves a wreck as I paced back in forward with Ophelia in my arms while Lenora sat beside Yasmine, whispering something in Latin. Even Siren was concerned as she laid on the bed in her animal form. Something we hadn't seen her do since the day she revealed herself to her mother, and Lazarus refused to come into the room.

"It's magical. I can tell you that. I think someone or something tried to curse her, or take the magic within her, Silas...."


"Celeste, can you shut the fuck up for once! I have known him for four hundred and twenty-four years and have served under him since then...."

"So how do we know you didn't do this to our Queen? Maybe you are in love with him." Celeste spoke, making Lenora roll her eyes, shaking her head.

"He's like a brother to me more than he will ever be to you. Now, if you don't mind, I would like to finish... As I was saying, Silas, someone or something tired to curse her or take what's within her; this is old magic, old as me and you if not older."

I stopped dead in my tracks, turning to Lenora and staring down at Yasmine and Siren curled next to her. Why on earth would Yasmine have old magic within her? Who could have done this and why?

"It was done recently or at birth?"

"No, this was done some time ago."

None of this made any sense. I knew that Yasmine didn't feel like a human, but magic doesn't make a person not human, maybe immortal.

"I don't understand."

"Neither do I, but I think I know someone who may."

"Lenora, I will not call that woman," I spoke, making Lenora sigh. She knew there was no way in fucking hell I was calling one of my old flings to help with my fiancée. It was hard enough getting rid of the crazy bitch; I wasn't about to bring her back to torture me more.

"Silas, I'm saying this because I can't help Yasmine. We must put whatever was awakened inside her back to sleep to wake her. It can be dangerous if she doesn't know how to control it. Someone woke it to save her... You weren't here when that thing attacked her. You didn't see how her whole body lit up with white flames destroying the demon as if it was nothing before falling to the floor. She wasn't in control, Silas. Someone else was. They were protecting her. How? I don't know."

"Could her mother know about this?" Lenora looked away quickly, shrugging her shoulders as she rubbed the top of Siren's head.

"Siren's upset. She thinks she didn't protect her mother as she should have. Damon said the demon didn't even try to attack them. It went straight for Yasmine. It wanted to kill her, Silas. Whoever this is want her dead and her power."

Ophelia's grip got tighter around my neck as she started to weep, making me rock as I thought. "Lenora, you are avoiding my question. Is it possible for her mother to know what's going on?"

"I mean, yeah, it's a possibility. I don't know Silas, but I do know that the longer we wait, the longer it will take to wake her." I nodded and hated myself for what I was about to do. I despised the crazy-ass woman and knew she would ask for something in return. Long as it wasn't me, I was good. "Fine," I spoke as I dialed the number.

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