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"SILAS! SILAS! GET YOUR ASS IN HERE NOW!" I yelled I had to be seeing shit and someone was about to tell me if what I saw was real before I lost it. A young girl was sitting on the bed when I came out of the bathroom. I close my eyes for a moment and she was gone and now only Siren was there.

There was no way.

I wasn't crazy... I wasn't crazy. I know what I saw and I have seen many things these past few days... months. My mind wasn't about to start playing tricks on me now. Finally, Silas, Lenora, and Celeste came running into the room, all were ready to fight, but let down their guard once they noticed I was fine.

"For the love of blood, Yasmine, why are you screaming my name like something was after you?"

"There was a girl... There was a girl here! Now it's just Siren! Siren she... she .... She turned into a young girl." I stood pointing at the dog sitting on the foot of the bed with her tongue hanging from her mouth. It felt like she was mocking me.

"Look I sound crazy I know. But I know I am not crazy... I am not fucking crazy. Tell me I am not fucking crazy!"

All looked stared at me then over at Siren as she turned to the wall behind her as if she was in trouble about something while Silas sighed shaking his head and going over to her. I noticed he whispered something into Siren's ear making me tilt my head as I looked over at Lenora and Celeste shrugging their shoulders.

"Can somebody tell me what the fuck is going on?!"

"Yasmine you go to promise me you won't freak out," Silas spoke. I wasn't promising shit that I didn't know what was happening. I just stared as he sighed turning back to the dog speaking. "Siren, it's time, sweetheart."

"Why the fuck do you keep talking to the dog like she is fucking human Silas?" He said nothing as Lenora gave me a sympathetic look and Celeste smiled gently. I didn't like where this was going I was scared and excited normally that wasn't good.

"Damnit, somebody please talk, don't just fucking stare."

"Mitr...Queen, that is Master's job to explain we are only his servants, your servants."

"If that is so Lenora then fucking talk commanding you to." Still, she looked at Silas, whose back was to us as he held Siren. Instead, of speaking both women bowed the left the room as if I didn't say a freaking thing. Quickly I turned to Silas as he placed Siren on the floor, and stepped back looking at me then at her.

"You wanted to know about our world... my world, Yasmine. The thing is there is so much you don't know. Tell me what drew you to Siren the day you bought her? Do you know?"

"Why does that matter?"

"Because it does and I would like to know."

"Fine... she wasn't like the other dogs. Siren was just sitting there as the others played wildly with their toys. I guess I saw myself in her; she wasn't like her siblings. Siren was different... s-she was like me." I explained. Silas nodded as he sat at the foot of the bed and patted the seat next to him. I hesitated before sitting but as I did he picked up Siren and placed her behind us. 

"Have you ever noticed anything different or off about Siren?"

"No... well, yes. She's a weird dog that likes to be in her own little world and before coming here, I notice she wasn't eating her food. I would feed her and find it in the trash the next day but thought I was doing and not remembering it."

"You sleepwalk?" He asked looking at me strangely as I nodded. It was something I did a lot but I have caught myself in the middle half of the time.

"Sometimes; Why?"

Not So Normal Yasmine * It all comes back * Book IWhere stories live. Discover now