The End

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"Yasmine, Baby, I'm going to need you to open your eyes," Silas spoke as they suddenly spot open. Quickly I jumped from my seat, staring at everyone in the room. I thought I was dreaming but seeing the look of fear on my siblings' faces told me otherwise.

"Is she okay?"

"Mhm, she's fine, Niyah. Using her powers the way she did exhausted her. The same will happen to all of you if you overexert yourselves... once your powers are unlocked." Lily spoke as if she didn't care. Everyone sighed as I realized that we were on the jet. No longer at my mom's home in New York, which caused me to think about how her head was ripped from her body and turned into bugs. The thought made my hands shake, and Silas immediately took them into his staring into my eyes to calm me down.

"I t-thought she said w-we were immortal?"

"We die just as vampires, Yasmine. Think about if you cut a vampire's head from its body; the head stays solid while the body turns to ash. You stab them in the heart well; you should know the rest. Your mother had a poor protection shield around her home. That was because she was so far away from her roots. Our magic weakens the further away we are from our home."

"We're not from New York?" I asked. Lily laughs as she turns away from Marcus, making him curse under his breath.

"We need to find your father."

"Our father is dead," Mark answered, causing the woman to laugh harder than before, looking at Marcus and me in disbelief.

"Don't tell me she sold you that BS," She laughed. "Evil doesn't fucking die." She said, and my mouth hung open did everyone else. Neither of us knew much about our fathers. Our mother told us he died when I was younger, yet I don't remember him.

"Say that he's still alive, whey hide from his family?"

"He's not hiding from his family, chile; He's protecting you. There is so much I can tell you and so much he needs to tell you. Like about the voice in your head Yasmine. Who it belongs to and why. He and your mom knew you weren't to be born, yet they had you, a child whose destiny was to have more power than any magical creature on this earth—destined to marry the vampire king and have the power of every living creature in one body. We fear you because you could either end us or be the beginning. We all fear the end."

My mouth opened and closed. I wanted to ask what all that meant as Lily lifted her hand to stop me. Quickly her eyes turned white, looking like something out of a movie, but it was fascinating, and Aniyah thought the same. She was searching for something, preferably someone, and I didn't doubt that the person was my father. In my opinion, it was a way to keep me from asking more questions. She knew more than she was willing to say.

With all the riddles and reflecting our questions, I wanted the truth and was sure my siblings wanted the same. We needed to know what she was speaking of and why someone would lock our memories away. It was cruel to make someone forget their daughter and the love of their life. Every thought crossed my mind until one hit me that I never thought to ask. Did Silas know? Was he playing dumb for me?

Soon as the thought crossed my mind, we made eye contact, and for a brief moment, it was like I could read his thoughts. Silas's look was neutral, but he asked himself how I could ever think that. The answer was simple. He was a close book. Silas only told me what he wanted me to know; the rest was a mystery. He has yet to tell me about his Master, how he died and who was the blame. All I know about the man that turned him gave him his riches.

"It disappoints me that you would think I hide this from you. I'm just as much in the dark as you are, Yas. Yeah, I felt you were something more but didn't want to say anything until I was sure. Lily was the one that put the clue out there that you were just as old as me; the bitch never said anything about you being her niece. Although Lily made it a point to tell me that Siren wasn't created but was turned into a familiar. That was my biggest clue, and I'm guessing she and your mother did that since Siren knew who she was. Come to think of it; Siren knew Lily, Callie, and Lenora. She was the first to speak of the old magic locked away in you."

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