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As I lay in bed I could help be to listen to Yasmine's thoughts. It was new to me; never once have I heard of a human that thinks while they slept. Yasmine did and it was all about what she could learn about the paranormal or if I wanted her or not. It was hard not to listen although I was trying so fucking hard not to.

Yasmine was different. Yeah, she was completely human, but something deep down inside of her wasn't. I cause me to think that someone did something to her that no one was talking about. Maybe it was the reason her family was so hell-bent on stopping her from finding out about my world. Or it could have been something more, but I didn't know how to tell her. 

She had enough problems on her mind. The biggest issue was her not being able to have children. Yas said it didn't bother her but I knew it did. She wanted children which wasn't a big deal for me. It was something that I made sure never fucked up until I bedded her. Yasmine was the first I ever allowed myself to cum in or fuck unprotected in centuries.

I wasn't looking to have children with a woman I didn't love and for a human to live through the pregnancy they had to become a vampire. That was if the baby didn't kill them first. The thing was they had to have the trait to carry the child and there was no way of knowing if they did. Anyone could turn into a vampire, but only certain ones could carry our babies, and I wasn't taking that risk with Yasmine. I also wanted the children in my care to call her mother.

And it warmed my heart that she wanted me to turn her. The problem was she wasn't ready, and turning her now would only cause regret in the end. Especially if she isn't truly ready. I know this for a fact. I was turned centries also off impulse and all and years later, I regretted it, but in the end, I  saw the good.

I didn't doubt that Yasmine wanted to live for enteral with me, I wanted that too. The thought of it made me smile and just went I thought I would spend enterally alone. Yasmine come walking by and the smell of her blood told me she was the one. The night at the club confirmed it.

She was drawn to me as I was to her and each time we are together it shows. The bond was there and the love was forming. Some may think it was crazy since physically only known each other for a few days but it felt like years. Maybe centries.  Every time I looked at Yasmine her heart sped up and her thoughts went all over the place.

It felt like we had been through this before.

Sadly my thoughts were interrupted sensing Celeste at the door before she knocked which caused Yasmine to stir as she lay against my chest. I could sense something wasn't right as I carefully laid Yas on the bed and glided across the floor to the door opening it.

"I am so sorry to bother you Master, but you're needed in the foyer."

"By whom?" I asked. Her eyes were locked on my face at first until she smiled shyly and quickly looked down to the floor. For a moment I had forgotten that I was naked but it shouldn't have been an issue. Celeste had seen me naked many times before. What was different today?

"It's not like you've never seen me naked before, Celeste. Why are you looking like that?"

"I'm not staring at you Master. It's her," She spoking as I swiftly turned to a naked Yasmine. Her eyes were completely white and she was mumbling to herself. Another weird thing was her mind was blank which was never the case with Yasmine. As she repeated 'Come to me.' Something was possessing her. But what?

 But what?

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Not So Normal Yasmine * It all comes back * Book IWhere stories live. Discover now