Two Weeks Later

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I woke with a sight headache groaning as I turned to see four smiling faces. Silas was holding me and our three little one's heads were behind his smiling big. I was confused about why the four were so happy and in bed with us.

"Why are your four staring at me like your cat died or something?"

"You don't remember what happened?" Silas asked, making me lift my head from the pillow and rubbing the back of my neck. I was unclear of what he was speaking of, and the last thing I remember was falling asleep the night before.

"I remember going to sleep last night after Ophelia threw one of her fits and waking up now. Wait, shouldn't you be at work?"

My response made Silas and Siren share a look before looking back at me, confused as I laughed nervously when suddenly my stomach turned, causing me to run into the bathroom. An intense hunger pain hit me mixed with the urge to throw up, leaving me hugging the toilet as Silas held my hair. Gently he rubbed my neck and back and patiently waited until I finished. There was something on his mind, and I could tell by how he was watching me.

"What's wrong? I can see your worried look, Silas."

"Baby, what you're remembering is from two weeks ago." He softly spoke as he brushed my hair over my shoulder, kissing my neck. Quickly I turned around, facing him, staring at my clothing which was different, before running back into the room to my phone.

"What the hell is going on now? Tell me you are fucking with me, Silas. I didn't go to sleep and woke up two weeks later. Did I?" I asked, looking at him and the kids, all with sad faces staring at me. It couldn't be real. How on earth could someone do something like that? I wanted to ask, but soon as my mouth opened, the door did, which revealed Lenora, Celeste, Damon, and two unfamiliar women.

"Good, she's awoke." The unfamiliar woman spoke, and I swore I'd seen her before. However, she smiled brightly and sat in the seat by the door as Damon, Lenora, and Celeste walked over to me.

"She doesn't remember shit, Lily?"

"As I told you, Silas, there are things I don't understand. She is one of them." Lily said to Silas as if I wasn't in the damn room. I wanted to know who the fuck this bitch was. Like was she another vampire or one of his blood donors? All I know is they were comfortable with each other.

"Sweetheart, trust me, I'm no threat to you and this cocky ass bloodsucker here, so you can stop glaring at me. The love of my life is at home, waiting for me to return. I only came here to check and see how you were doing today."

"Is that true, Silas?"

"Oh, it's true, Baby. I hate the fucking ground that bitch walks on. She is only here to help because of Lenora." He said as Lily or whatever her name was shot him a glare.

"What happened to me."

"On that notice, sweetheart, you have to ask the people who were here with you. All of the other stuff you need to go to your guardian." Lily spoke as I arched a brow. Guardian? She had to mean my mom. Or could that have been someone else?

"She's talking about your mother, Yasmine. I tried to call her, but she wouldn't answer. I got ahold of your sister last week. She said she would tell your mother what was happening. Still, she hasn't called back."

"You talked to Aniyah?"

"That is what she said her name was unless you have more than one sister." He spoke, and I noticed a slight flinch in Lily while I shook my head no and dialed Aniyah's number.


"Hey, big sis... Please tell me you didn't tell mama I was sick or anything."

'Are you fucking serious right now?! Your fiancé called worried about you. Tell me that you were in a coma and you worried if I told mama or not. Look, Yas, I know the two of you are on a rocky road, but she is still your mother. I did tell her, and she acted as if she didn't care. Talking about whatever you have gotten yourself in wasn't her problem. It was his. It angered me that she refused to let me or Marcus come down there to check on you. She forbid us from leaving her house.'

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