Chapter 28: Miguel's choice

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His gaze wandered outside the window.

To be free of this dilemma, the best choice of action was to take Andre's suggestion. He only had to agree with Mr. Kingsley's secretary and then he will be spared from the problems that may arise in the future. Finally, he made a decision.

"Thank you for your concern. But I will be alright." He turned his gaze back to Andre.

Andre did not expect this response. "I don't understand. Weren't you reluctant before?" Months ago, when the master made an offer, he remembered that the boy was very unwilling. What happened now? This time it was Andre who was confused.

Could it be because of greed? This foreign boy must have been blinded by the short-term luxury and now dreamt of having more. Andre frowned.

"It was true that I was reluctant at that time. The existence of a sham marriage is something that I had never thought of." Miguel began. Oblivious to Andre's displeasure, his thoughts drifted off to the past.

His papa's condition was serious. His illness was rare and the proper treatment was available only in select hospitals. Without immediate medical treatment, his papa's condition would be aggravated and his life that expectancy that was already shortened would become even shorter.

It pained Miguel to be away at this most trying moment. His father needed care the most but Miguel was absent. He wanted to leave, to go home. But without a stable source of funds, how could they afford treatment? Government subsidy was not enough. In a country where healthcare was not free, he had to do all means in order to afford treatment. Before the hospital could provide the treatment, he had to give an assurance that he would able to pay all the medical expenses. This meant that he had to pay half of it upfront. The down payment was one million.

A filial son he was, Miguel could not bear to stand by and do nothing. Thus, he looked for ways in order to raise money. He took other jobs and worked tirelessly. Every day, from Monday thru Sunday, he woke up early and slept late. He never had a day of rest.

He was never a spendthrift to begin with. Because of his poor background, he was used to managing his money and resources. Saving up became a second nature to him. If you can walk to work, then walk. With that you can save transport money. If colleagues ask you out to drink, just say you have other things to do at home. A latest product came out in the market and everybody is interested to purchase it, easy. Just close your eyes and cover your ears and resist temptation. Spend money only if you truly need it. With this mentality he was able to save money little by little.

However, the expenses were growing bigger and bigger. The combined income from his three jobs were not enough to pay for the huge bills. He had to look for other means.

He had an aversion to borrowing money. He hated indebted to other people. He never dared ask a loan from other people. It was too shameful. Such action did not sit well with him. But, for the sake of his family, he broke this principle. He thickened his face and called many people. Not all of them gave an optimistic response. To the few people that agreed, he signed a loan contract with them. Someone wanted to take advantage of his situation and raised the interest. It was even higher than what the banks stipulate. Miguel could only swallow his words. It did not matter. What was important was that the money would be provided. Time was running out. The more they stalled the treatment, the worse his papa's prognosis will be.

He worked even harder than before. Unconsciously, his health was neglected. Without proper rest and nutrition, his health deteriorated. He became susceptible to illness and developed a digestive problem. Worrying too much about the future, he was unable to sleep at night. The fear of being left alone by his papa forever caused him nightmares. This high level of mental stress caused his health to become even worse.

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