Chapter 30: It's painful the first time

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"Good evening, Mr. Ivanov." Henry spoke. His voice was neither arrogant nor submissive. Only his green eyes threw a sharp look.

"Good evening, Kingsley." Nikolai responded in the same manner.

Unbeknownst to Miguel, the two domineering men exchanged a silent war above his head. Face was nestled on Mr. Kingsley's chest, the strong rhythmic heartbeat full of vitality thrummed against his ears. His nose was filled with Mr. Kingsley's unique pleasant scent. Inadvertently, Miguel inhaled a little more until his mind became heady and relaxed. He did not notice that the arm tightened around his narrow waist, showing blatant possessiveness.

But there was an incessant tugging on his clothes prompting him to pull away from the strong warm chest. Looking down he saw a cute little child wearing a tuxedo.

"Tasha?" This was the little boy that he rescued. Miguel pushed himself away from Mr. Kingsley and knelt in front of the child.

Tasha threw himself on Miguel and hugged his neck. "Miguel, I missed you." He spoke a lot of his grievances for the past weeks.

"I wished to see you more but grandpa said that we had to go home." Tears formed on his eyes. His grandpa was so unreasonable. He just wanted so see Miguel. What was so hard about that? In his childish mind, he thought that the world revolved around him and that his grandpa would fulfill anything that he wished.

Miguel smiled. He patted the child's back. "It's alright. I'm here now."

"I wondered why my grandson ran so fast from the second floor." The elder Yashikov approached them. Behind him were his bodyguards. With the abduction fresh from his mind, security was tightened.

Miguel straightened up. He did not know what to say. He had a talk with Mr. Yashikov before to keep the previous matters confidential. That included keeping their connection a secret.

"It's a pleasant surprise to see you." It was a good thing that the elder Yashikov did not make it too difficult for him.

Miguel shook the old man's extended hand. "Good evening Sir. It's nice to see you."

"Good evening Mr. Yashikov." Henry also gave his greetings.

"Hello Mr. Kingsley. Welcome." The elder Yashikov shook his hands.

"Old man, you never grow young." Nikolai teased.

"Young Ivanov, you're still a troublesome brat." The elder Yashikov half-hugged and gave a heavy pat on Nikolai's shoulder. He and Nikolai's father could be said to have a good relationship.

"Are you with them?" The Elder Yashikov's remark was directed to Miguel.

Nikolai Ivanov and Henry Claude Kingsley, these two men were not the type to associate with the ordinary people. One was the new young head of the Bratva. The other was the heir apparent for the Dukedom of Norwin. As far as the Elder Yashikov was concerned, it seemed unlikely for Miguel to form an acquaintance with these two powerful men.

Seeing as Miguel was quiet, Henry answered for him.

"This is my spouse, Angelo." Henry pulled the boy closer to his body.

Feeling a pinch on his hip, Miguel instantly smiled.

"Oh. I didn't know you got married." The elder remarked.

"Our marriage is a private affair. You know how my family is." Henry answered tacitly.

The elder Yashikov nodded in understanding.

"I was tied up with lot of work so our honeymoon was postponed. It just so happened that Mr. Yashikov's invitation came at the right time. I hope you are not mad at me, Love." Henry leaned to the boy but he remained silent.

Miguel felt a warm hand against his butt cheek. In a panic, he quickly said, "No. No. I'm not mad."

At that moment, there was already a faint pink color on Miguel's ears. He received a kiss on the forehead which made the color a darker shade.

The Elder Yashikov chuckled.

Nikolai frowned.

The elder Yashikov left them. He had to greet a lot of people and took his grandson with him. The child protested. He wanted to stay with Miguel. Tasha's hands held Miguel's clothes in a tight grip until the elder Yashikov promised that he will see Miguel again.

Tasha shifted his gaze to his savior. His large blue eyes begged the young man to promise him.

"I will see you again, Tasha." Miguel cupped the child's round cheeks with his hands.

"You promise?" The milky voice of the child asked for assurance.

"I promise."

Before his grandfather took him away, Tasha hugged Miguel tight.

When the grandfather and the grandson excused themselves, Henry carried Miguel away from the crowd. A cold glare from Henry kept Nikolai on his spot.

Tony was finally left alone. He quickly moved to where his ward was. Kasumi gave him a look. Tony swallowed hard. He will surely receive some sort of punishment later in the evening.

Standing beside the window, Miguel looked at Mr. Kingsley. The man looked great in his outfit. Not even the jacket could hide his thick arms and solid chest. He also smelled very pleasing. However, his appreciation stopped. His arm became painful.

"What is your relationship with Ivanov?" Henry gripped the thin arm with is large hand.

Miguel grimaced in pain. His eyes became watery. "Please, you are hurting me."

Henry frowned but he let go. "Answer me!"

"Ivanov?" Miguel was puzzled. "He introduced himself with another name. He saved me from the hostage takers at the bank."

Miguel rubbed his arm to return the obstructed circulation back.

"From now on, stay away from him. Do you understand?" Henry pinched his chin.

"Yes, Sir." Having experience Mr. Kingsley's terrifying side for the first time, Miguel nodded in a hurry.

Throughout the banquet Miguel tried to act as normal as he could. He displayed a pleasant smile whenever Mr. Kingsley talked to other people. The distance between him and Mr. Kingsley was never far.

Nikolai glared at Henry with contempt while sipping a glass of wine.

At the other side of the hall, a woman with cat eyes and red lips watched with disdain.

At the other side of the hall, a woman with cat eyes and red lips watched with disdain

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