Second Chance

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Sai: punches the wall and loudly shouts "it is the only hope we have!"

Sura: furiously shouts replying "how do you even know that? We know nothing about it!"

Sai: of course we don't, how can we know if we don't even give it a fucking chance! This could be the end of all of this!

Sura: and it could be our end! What if they know who we are?

Sai: they won't know, how would they even know! No one knew about our involvement in R1, you know that more than anyone, and even if they do know, we will make them understand the truth, tries to calm himself and with a soft voice says "Sura... I just can't sleep thinking there might be a chance out there to solve everything"

Sura: what chance Sai... Last time we tried to fix something... We caused an apocalypse, laughs hysterically, and says "I tried to save my sister Sai... I ended up killing her! I can't bear to lose you or Yonah!" covers her eyes with her hands holding the tears

Sai: holds Sura and buries her head within his chest while thoughts are wrestling within his head

Yonah: with worry ruling her emotions, she says with a fearful voice "mom, dad is everything alright?"

Sai: tries to hide the conflict he's facing and says "it's nothing sweetie"

Sura: wipes the tears, looks at Sai, and says "Sai... She deserves to know"

Sai: sigh, I think you are right... Come here sweetie, there's something you have to know, looks at Yonah's eyes as if they are mirrors, mirrors showing his past, he interprets those images saying "me and your mom were working with another scientist called Rick... We were trying to extract SOUL out of animals to genject it into humans, we were trying to make a better future, but things got out of control and... We lead to the formation of the first void, we helped cause SOULONOMIYA... But the thing is, Yesterday when we were gathering supplies from that shop, we heard a broadcast about a facility called Nalaho, working on reversing everything and destroying the voids, but... I'm sure that they will accomplish nothing without our help

Yonah: while trying to understand everything she heard, says immediately wanting to know the rest "and what are you going to do? "

Sai: looks at Sura with eyes begging for hope as if they are saying please

Sura: consumed by emotions she says "we will help sweetie... We will help"

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