The Council

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Ahab: the council is waiting for you in this room

Sai: enters the room, sees three people wearing masks, each with a different color, the left is black and red, the middle is blue and red, and the right is white, looks at the one in the middle and says "I'm Sai and this is my wife Sura" Sura and Yonah enter the room

The leader with the white mask pulls his head a little backward

Sai: notices the movement, looks at him, and confusingly says "hmm, sir you know us or something?"

Leader1: keeps silence

Sai: his temper gets in control, but as he moves his head looking at the other leaders, he calms himself and says "and finally, this is my daughter Yonah"

Leader2: we welcome you here in Nalaho, lowers his head, puts his right hand on his left side of his chest, welcoming them, he then raises his head looking at Sai and says "we are the leaders of this facility, also called the Primal council, there is another council called the Seconder, we supervise the work of scientists while the Seconder supervises on the workers, I'm Nero, the person on my left is Arthur and the person you talked to is... Caim, while the other council is led by Henry, Olinda, and Amelia, we heard that you have a plan to deal with the voids, can you please share it with us?

Sai: of course, but can I ask you a question first?

Nero: go on

Sai: Why do you wear masks?

Nero: smiles and says "the usual question, we wear them to eliminate any reflection of the past, we wear them to bury our hate, our mistakes... We only focus on work here, leaving everything behind, because all that matter now is to resurrect humanity"

Sai: looks at Sura and says "ok then, I liked your logic"

Arthur: now it's your turn

Sai: well, briefly it relies on the deflector

Arthur: the deflector?

Sai: yes, if there's hope for us to survive, it would depend on our ability to modify the deflectors

Arthur: are you sure about that?

Sai: yes I'm, Sura and I were studying it before SOULONOMIYA, we analyzed the structure of the deflector, we were trying to create something similar to it, so we can make the perfect container, but as you may have suspected... It's almost impossible to make a deflector and impossible to make modified ones

Arthur: confusingly says "if it's impossible, then where is the plan exactly?"

Sai: points at Sura

Sura: we will work on modifying already existing ones

Arthur: I don't get it, voids can destroy the deflectors, what change can we do?

Sura: the voids can only destroy the deflector at the sections that eliminate light, we want to replace these sections with DCT or... Deflector completing thingy, which is a material we created to replace them

Arthur: ok, so you are saying that the deflectors are impervious against voids, except at certain sites, which will be replaced with DCT, right?

Sura: exactly, and well, I'm proud that my name did survive

Sai: our name you mean

Sura: laughs

Caim: as he sees Sura laughs, he yells "Hey you! It's a serious matter! We're not playing here!"

Sura: as wrath is charging her up, she moves forth and says "what did y..."

Sai: stops Sura, and says "oh, it looks like you finally spoke, I thought you were mute"

Caim: give me the formula and the diagram of the project, we don't have time to waste

Nero: Caim calm down, they are helping here... Sorry for that, Caim isn't a bad person, he is the one who provided most of the equipment for this facility, he's just not that good with people

Sai: looks at Caim with a shady look and says "ok, ok, we just hope it won't happen again, take this file, it has everything about the plan" gives the file to Nero

Nero: thanks for your help, we'll review it and tell you about our decision

Sai: we will wait for you then

Nero: shouts "Ahab, come and guide them to their room"

Ahab: enters the room and says "ok sir, come on doctors this way"

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