Very Thin But Not Weak

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Sai: peaks from the cliff, sees some scavengers separated left and right, with a ball looking camp in the center, looks at the indicator, and says "they are showing on the indicator, they are normal scavengers"

Sura: still, they are too many for us to handle

Yonah: With a confident look and determined voice, she says "mom, dad I have an idea"

Sura: what is it sweetie?

Sai: looks at Yonah proudly and smiles

Yonah: they are 13, their stuff is in the center, four of them are there too, and the remaining ones are protecting, arranged around the camp, if we shoot the stuff, the resulted explosion will kill them all, and if some survive, they will be easier to get rid of

Sura: surprisingly looks at Yonah

Sai: you are joking, right?

Yonah: looks at Sai with a confused look and says "no, why would I be joking? It is the easiest and safest way, after all, we should never take any chances, right?"

Sai: holds Yonah, looks into her eyes, saying with anger pushing words out "what are you talking about Yonah! Did you forget what I told you about being a bad person! Do you want to be like the seekers?"

Yonah: as tears start dropping, she says "I'm sorry, I don't want to be like them, it's just we are the good ones, our lives matter more"

Sai: hugs Yonah and while trying to control his anger, he says "sweetie, we do have to keep up living, but not at the cost of the lives of the others"

Sura: Yonah, they didn't do anything wrong to us, we shouldn't kill such people

Yonah: I'm sorry... I just didn't want you to get hurt

Sai: I get it, but sweetie, no matter what, we should never cross the barrier, understood?

Yonah: understood... Dad

Sai: ok then, let's get through this in a right way ok?

Yonah: ok

Sai: after thinking for a while, he says "I will go to the right side distracting them with SR, then I will try taking as many of them as I can, Sura you go to the other side, when they notice me, you will start taking them from behind, and you, Yonah when they start turning into your mom, you get them with the sniper, understood?

Yonah, Sura: understood

Sai: descends and goes to the right side, hides behind a rock, throws SR, then throws an electrical grenade at the path to it, creates a loud screaming voice with the SR

S1: what could this be?

S2: I will investigate Nora, Kito come with me

Nora, Kito: coming

Sai: when the three scavengers come close, he donates the electrical grenade paralyzing them

S1: show yourself bitch! Hey everyone, someone is here

S3: hey wake up, someone is attacking!

Three scavengers are getting closer to Sai

Sai: gets up quickly, shoots one of them, and returns to cover

S4: fucker! Let's see how will you handle the rest of us, we know your location now, surrender

Sura: throws an electrical grenade while they are looking at Sai's side, knocking three of them, and shoots a fourth one

The six remaining scavengers take cover and start shooting at Sura and Sai

Yonah: shoots the ground between two scavengers paralyzing both

S4: throws a NUOEADE at Sura

Sura: gets quickly running out of cover

S5: shoots Sura's right hand

Sura: falls to the ground and starts screaming

Sai: Sura!

S6: it's do...

A large explosion occurs, shaking the sky and transforming the scavengers into charred pieces, dropping all over the place, Yonah shot the central camp killing all of the scavengers

Sura: looks at Yonah and faints

Sai: his expressions mute by the trauma

Yonah: closes the sniper, stands at the top of the hill, looks at Sai with tears filling her eyes, and shouts "it's all your fault! If we killed them like that from the beginning, she wouldn't be shot!" Turns her face away from him and runs to Sura

Yonah and Sai takes Sura for the nearest building

After the sun rises, Sura wakes up

Sura: sees Yonah sleeping on her leg and Sai watching her

Sai: are you alright?

Sura: Yes, I'm fine, it's nothing

Sai: yeah, it looks like it, looks at Sura with a foxy look

Sura: smiles and says "shut up, I fainted because of the explosion"

Sai: lowers his head looking down and clings his right hand

Sura: sigh, I know what you're feeling... There's something I have to tell you

Sai: with a confused look, he says "what is it?"

Sura: looks at Sai with a face filled with regret and tells him about what happened at the park

Sai: with anger and shock ruling his emotions, says "why didn't you tell me before!"

Sura: Sai... I know that you want Yonah to be a good person, but... We're not living in a society anymore, we are surviving... If she didn't do that, I would have died, she saved me! Sai, I know this isn't the right thing to do, but we can't do anything about it... At least not until we reach Nalaho, if it works, she will get the chance to live in a society too, we have to keep surviving until then

Sai: sigh, I don't want to say it, but... It looks like you're right...

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