Beginning The Final Journey

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Sai and Sura are going to the lab

Sura: our big day, huh?

Sai: as he's trying to hold a fake smile, he says "I'm so excited"

Sura: me too, we will finally get the chance to teach someone

Sai: as they reach the door of the lab, he starts breathing heavily

Sura: come on, you will be fine, just trust me

Sai: ok...

they enter the lab, sees a massive place, so white as if it shines, equipment filling every inch, extending high up as if they were roofs of books, the ways designed in lines guided with arrows leading to every portion of the lab, a big hole in the center of the lab, covered with glass extending to the floor with sunlight penetrating it straightly downward, and 14 scientists with different masks and white coats are aligned in two lines

The scientists: bow to Sai and Sura as they enter the lab, with a single united voice, they shout "WE WELCOME YOU HERE, WE ARE GRATEFUL FOR YOUR JOURNEY, WE DEDICATE OURSELVES TO YOUR ORDERS, HUMANITY MUST SURVIVE!"

Sura: as emotions are taking over, she immediately holds them still and shouts with a confidently "we will make sure it does! I'm Sura, I will lead eight of you, the ones good with SOUL will come with me and the remaining ones will be led by Sai, every person moves forward, identifies himself, his experience, and goes to a group, hurry up! We have a race to save!"

The scientists immediately divide into two groups, each goes with one

Sura: we will start working on extracting deflectors of dead creatures, the Primal council said that endless samples will be brought here every day, and we have enough ones for a beginning, so let's start working!

Sai: his body fills with fire after hearing Sura and seeing the scientists, transforming this fire into his voice, and says "we will work on creating DCTs, the materials are available and the plan is ready, let's start creating our shields!"

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