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Sura: they did nothing, what do you think?

Sai: Well, it's either they are good or... They are waiting for us to make the first move, in both scenarios, we have no option other than going there

Sura: well... Sigh, I think we don't

They go to the facility

Unknown person: stop right there and turn back!

Sai: we came to join Nalaho

Ukp: so, you are scientists, you have to answer some questions and you may be allowed to enter... Firstly, identify yourselves and then tell me where were you working?

Sai: I'm Sai, I studied in Niflaria, went to dystopia to start studying SOUL with Talia Morales, and there met Sura, my wife, Sura studied in dystopia, worked for Norman Miller for two years, and then she started working with me, and this is my daughter Yonah

Ukp: Ok, I'll review the files, after about one minute, ok that's true, now let's continue, do you have a plan?

Sai: yes we do have one, and it's guaranteed, it just depends on the equipment you have

Ukp: well if that's true, then your plan will be done in no time, finally, I want all of you to toss your equipment defining each one

Sura: shouts "we won't! How can we trust you?"

Ukp: don't be afraid, believe me, if we wanted to kill you, you would be dead by now, but if you don't want to, then you can leave, it's your choice

Sura: we ca...

Sai: honey, stop it, we did not come this far to stop here, let's do as he said

Sura: sigh, ok... Throws the equipment to the ground

Sai and Yonah put their equipment on the ground

Ukp: now define each one

Sai: defines all of the equipment

Ukp: ok, you are allowed to enter, opens the doors, and says "take your equipment we won't take them"

Sura: with a surprised look, she says "you will allow us to take them?"

Ukp: well, yes... Even if I don't like it, but the council ordered that, if you came all this way to reach this facility, we are sure about your intentions, ahh... And well, if you try to do something... You know what

Sura: looks at Sai, smiles, and says "it looks like you were right after all"

Sai: smiles back, holds the hands of Sura and Yonah, and says "let's go"

They enter the facility, sees a person wearing a mask painted with a weird symbol, looks like a head with a beard of lades

Ukp2: come this way

They follow him

Ukp2: this is your room, rest here and tomorrow you will meet the council

Sai: ok then, thanks for everything

Ukp2: it's nothing, we are partners now and by the way, I'm Ahab

Sai: my honor to meet you partner

Ahab: nope the honor is mine, doc

They enter the room and go to sleep 

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