The Crack Of Doom

40 10 22

15/03/2424, 12:08 P.M.

Sai: this is what caused the apocalypse...

Arthur: this explains the presence of the white armored corpses near the lab!

Nero: and how do you know it was Lee?

Sai: at our way to here, we found a facility called Coralee, which stands for Lee's cooperation, at that facility, we found the same suits the attackers were wearing, SB has a video for that

Arthur: it may be just a consumption!

Sura: take off his shirt, on his right shoulder you will see the same logo that Coralee has...

Lee: you're not believing this shit are you?

Nero: opens SB and sees the logo of Coralee, Arthur search his shoulder

Lee: no! They are lying! Don't believe them! As Arthur approaches him, he starts running

Arthur: catches Lee, breaks his leg, takes off his shirt and sees a half removed logo, looks at Nero and says "they are right"

Nero: as regret fills his face, he says "Arthur bring him here"

Arthur: throws Lee in front of Sura and Sai

Nero: he's... All yours

Sai and Sura unconsciously, as hard as they can start attacking Lee, they continued torturing him while he's screaming, while he's begging for his life, they kept cutting him piece by piece as if the nightmare they lived, has happened just a day before

After torturing Lee to death, Arthur starts curing Sai's leg, Sai and Sura stay startled for some time, then they tend to return normal, Arthur and Nero keep whispering to each other during that time

Nero: we don't even know what to say... After everything happened, all we can do is to apologize, we will try to do ev...

Two bullets penetrate Nero and Arthur heads, converting them into corpses falling to the ground

Sura: screams, out of surprise and fear, with her shaking fingers spread and put in front of her face

Sai and Sura hear the sound of running, with a familiar voice, a voice they deny its conversion, as if death will be easier than accepting the truth, Yonah comes running to them

Yonah: smile extending as wide as her mouth can bear, tears of joy accumulating in her rose checks, and with a voice filled with happiness, shouts "mom, dad you are alive!"

Sai: Seeing Yonah getting close, forces the truth to his eyes, Yonah did kill them, as he turns his head, seeing the distorted corpse of Lee, thinking about what will happen and what he has to do, he starts crying, holds his hair with both hands and starts pulling it as hard as he can, with a voice filled with fear, he keeps saying "what should I do? What should I do? What should I do?"

Sura: sees Yonah coming close, turns her head to Sai seeing him in such a crisis, holds this mountain of emotions, her eyes filled with unspoken tears and her mouth filled with unseen screams, hides all of this conflict and runs to hug Yonah, preventing her from seeing Lee, as she's holding Yonah, she sits relying on the table, holding Sai within her too

Yonah: looks at Sai and says "mom, is dad all right?"

Sura: with tears unseen to Yonah and with a voice barely going out says "nothing sweetie... He's just tired"

they continued sitting there, Yonah felling the warm of her mother and enjoying the moments she got to get, Sai living a war inside his head and Sura trying to eliminate thinking to keep going for them

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