A White Mask Hiding A Dark Secret

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15/03/2424, 11:34 P.M.

Arthur: if what you're saying is true, then how did SOULONOMYIA happen? The apocalypse, I mean

Caim: hey Arthur! We didn't agree to that, we agreed to get information and kill them

Nero: we have enough time, go on Sai, tell us about the apocalypse

Caim: If you have the time, then I fucking don't, pulls his gun and points it at Sai

Arthur: looks at Nero

Nero: nods to Arthur, signing his agreement

Arthur: I'm fed with this, punches Caim on his face knocking him down, then takes his gun and says "stay down Lee"

Caim: what did you say, you fucking idiot!

Sura: eyes open widely as if a wild animal just saw a prey, looks at Arthur and wrathfully shouts "what did you say!"

Sai: with wonder and wrath conflicting within, says "Arthur... Is Caim Lee?"

Arthur: well, I think you deserve to know, yes... Caim is Lee, we started suspecting you being R1 bec...

Sura: pushes herself immediately away from the table, crawls towards Lee, and with a voice filled with grudge, screams "I'm gonna butcher you, bitch!"

Arthur: stay where you are, Sura, or I will have to shoot you again

Sura: even if you do, I won't stop!

Sai: tries to stand up on one leg, his face is being filled with malice

Arthur: Hey, what's it! Why do you hate him that much?

Sai: shouts replying "he is the one who caused SOULONOMIYA!"

Lee: you liar, you want to save your life at the cost of mine!

Nero: Arthur put lee away, Sai, Sura tell me what is going on exactly?!

Sai: as the flame is growing with each word, he says "we were working... Peacefully... We were laughing... When..."

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