Unhealed Wounds Can Metastasize

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Sai: sees Yonah preparing the indicator as they are preparing to go to the lab, comes close to her and says "hey sweetie, you don't have to keep indicating, it's been about two months and we saw nothing but good from them"

Yonah: I won't take that chance, I have to make sure

Sai: what chance? I said they are good ones

Yonah: sorry dad, even if you do trust them, I don't

Sai: inhales hardly, clings his hand trying to control his temper, but wrath takes over, he shouts "I said yo..."

Sura: signs to Sai with her hand to have patience and says "come on honey let's go"

They leave the room and walk a little

Sai: continuously keeps hitting the wall hard with his hand trying to transform his anger, then shouts "it's been two months! Two months and nothing has changed, she's still the same... Why didn't she change Sura? Didn't you say everything will change when we reach Nalaho? She hasn't even left her room... I can't bear seeing her living like that... She's just a child!"

Sura: holds Sai hard, and her eyes start tearing as Sai's do "calm down... She lived all of her life out there, she saw nothing other than monstrosity, we have to give her time to rebuild herself"

Sai: looks at Sura with eyes trying to hold themselves open, and says "I just want her to live like a human"

Sura: while holding him harder, she says "I understand, I'm feeling everything you feel... But there's nothing we can do, other than working and... Waiting"

Sali and Ahab approach them

Sai: turns his head trying to hide his tears

Sali: did something happen ma'am?

Sura: no, we just remembered something...

Sali: I'm sorry... Is there anything we can help with?

Sura: no, it's just memories come and go, thank you Sali

Sali: when will you stop using these formalities?

Sura: hah, you dare using my quotes against me?

Sali: smiles and says "you are not the only one who memorizes what people say"

Sura: smiles, pulls Sali's hair and says "you little void"

Sai: turns his face, sees Ahab wearing armor with a unique shield generator, wonderingly says "are you going to scavenge?"

Sura: looks surprisingly

Ahab: yes, I'm officially a scavenger now

Sai: be careful out there then

Ahab: of course I will, I have a princess to return to

Sali: lowers her head

Sura: pulls Sali's head up and screams "stop doing that, look up... When he says things like that go and hug him, Give him a kiss or something, don't just keep going pink"

Sai: laughs and says "well she does have to learn that from you"

Sura: smiles, looks at Ahab, and says "oh, I forgot to ask, for how long Ahab, and you won't go alone right?"

Ahab: well, its seven and eight, seven days there and eight here, starting from tomorrow and nope of course not, I will be in a group of three, but all of us aren't experts really

Sura: hey, don't do anything risky then

Ahab: smiles and says "I won't, I won't"

Sura: oh, that's good, stay safe Ahab, there are people other than your princess waiting for you here 

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