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Sai: Cici increase the heat, Sarah move DCT a little

Cici, Sarah: done

Sai: Rami adjusts the site, I want it to be perfectly placed

Rami: on it

Sura: Azure what is the situation with the fused deflectors?

Azure: they are stable and strongly bound

Sura: Ellis, what about you

Ellis: everything is perfect

After an intense work for several hours

Sai: it's done! The prototype is done! Hey, Laith go and tell the Primal to start the testing

Laith: I'm going doctor, leaves the room

minutes later the far blank wall starts splitting, a big monitor appears from within, the monitor starts showing the testing, everyone comes close to the monitor, all waiting, their faces are consumed with fear and worry, their hands are shaking as if it is freezing, the prototype is descending to the ground near one of the voids, the void starts approaching Nalaho, the prototype is put in its way, as the void becomes closer and closer to the prototype, more people start to close their eyes or cry, not having the ability to bear such weight

The void makes a contact with the prototype, one of the scientists faint, the void stops and moves in another direction, the prototype extends and envelops the void from every direction, the void stops in its place without any movement, everyone astounded, not believing what they are seeing

Rami: looks at Sai, his face is barely holding

Sai: smiles, lowers his head with closed eyes, signing his acceptance

Rami: screaming as if his face is blowing, the tears filling his face are swinging with the sound of his scream "we did it! We did it! We fucking did it! I can't fucking stop, I can't!"

Everyone shedding tears of joy and happiness to the completion of the project, suddenly the Seconder with the workers enter the lab, stands in three lines each led by one of the Seconder, they all bow to the scientists

Amelia: steps forward, looks at all the scientists respectively, and finally looks at Sai and Sura, with a proud look and respectful voice, she says "by my name, the Seconder and all of the workers, we congratulate you firstly and thank you secondly, if it's just for the work you've done until now, we will forever be in your debt"

Sai: no Amelia, we would not have done anything if it weren't for you protecting our backs and supplying us with everything, turns his head towards the scientists and with a loud voice, shouts "come on doctors, we should return the favor!"

All of the scientists bow to the Seconder

Amelia: smiles, tears almost showing up, lowers her head, wipes her eyes, raises her head, puts her right hand on her left side of her chest, and shouts "humanity must survive!"

Everyone in the lab with an untied single voice shouts "Humanity Must Survive!"

Sai: shouts "Hey! All of you, in such an event I want to suggest something"

Amelia: go on doctor

Sai: I want to call the suits that will be made in the future... "Hope"

Amelia: As the leader of the seconders, I accept that name, any objection? None? Ok then, what about a celebration for the success of our Hope?

Everyone shout "YEAAAAAAAA"

Amelia: bring Mieelo, today we will drink a toast to Hope!

They all shout "to HOPE!"

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