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Sura: As always the last minute kinda guy

Lee: well, each second without Neko is a win for me

Sura: Shut up Lee, she just doesn't like your jokes

Lee: well, I don't like her, ok?

Sura: sigh, Hey it's 8:02, we should start working before Dr.Rick...

Rick: you two, did you start analyzing the samples?

Lee: no, we are sorry doctor, we will start now

Rick: angrily shouts "You have 17 samples left and you haven't started yet!"

Lee: just calm down doc, I'm the smartest remember? We'll finish in no time

Rick: hurry up then!

Lee: ok ok, takes one of the jars, opens it, and sees a raccoon, with a surprised look he says "wait a minute... Why do we analyze such a thing? We are working on humans, aren't we?"

Rick: This is why I told you to be ready for several days, we will start working on extracting SOUL out of animals and genject it into humans, I want you to analyze those samples so you can get familiar with them

Sai: and how are you going to store something that small in a container?

Rick: I will tell you everything when the time comes

Sura: with eyes open wide, as if she's not believing what she sees, and an intermittent voice says "doctor? Are you being serious? Do you mean... Reem will have a chance to live?"

Rick: not only her, everyone will get to be equal, life being unfair will be a thing no more, we will defeat death itself!

Lee: looks at Rick with a face filled with hatred and says "you know me... I participated to be your trainer, even though I have SCTNP% that would allow me to be accepted in literally every place on this planet, but I've chosen you because I admired your work, but I'm going to have to stop you, taking such a step this fast will be so risky, we don't even know what SO...

Sura: as her face burns with wrath, she shouts "why can't you for once in your fucking life be a fucking human! You want to destroy the chance to end all the suffering mankind struggled to overcome over the last billion years! Overcoming death itself! How could you dare to stand here telling us, me whose sister is suffering every day just waiting for her life to end, Neko who is suffering death as well, and... Rick, who literally lost everything and everyone... He works without a stop for the last years just to reach this... And you who were born with the highest level of SCTNP, the richest person, son of the governor himself dare tell us to stop! If you don't want to continue supporting us, then get the fuck out of here!"

Rick: calm down Sura, he's just... wo...

Rick falls to the ground

Sura: runs to Rick and holds him, doctor! Are you ok?

Lee: turns around and goes to the exit

Rick: wait... Lee, you don't have to leave, we...

Lee: ignores him and leaves

Sura: leave him doctor, just tell me are you alright?

Rick: I'm ok... It's just I haven't slept for the past few days, but I must continue working be...

Sura: injects him with an anesthetic drug, forcing him to sleep 

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