3 | Illumi Zoldyck x Reader

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A/N: Well, I planned a whole note at the beginning of a Chrollo x Reader, that you'll see either after this or sometime soon, about how I'll be writing for the Adult Trio from HxH.

So, the majority of the characters in this show, especially the adult trio, are riddled with issues that require a therapist. But more importantly, all three of these guys are actual powerful people raised to be emotionless, ignore emotion, and/or are just insane. I can't write for these guys without acknowledging this fact. Unless you request otherwise, these guys will likely not be all fluffy, romantic, and loving with an occasional exception of Chrollo because he's not nearly as stabby as Illumi and Hisoka.

Relationship: Illumi Zoldyck x Wife Reader - Snatched (Hunter x Hunter)
Genre: Angst
Type: Oneshot
TW:This contains mentions of suicidal thoughts or thoughts of death. If you feel that might negatively affect you, please don't read this!

Summary: Some bad (?) guys finesse you

Word Count: 1239

Thanks for the request! KPQueen2017

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  You eyelids fluttered open, feeling heavy even as you awoke, but the harsh "crack" your neck made as you jolted it up and the intense feeling of pain from moving your head to the new position in probabky several hours left you quite awake.

"Ow." You groaned.

"Well look who's up," an unfamiliar voice spoke, "good mornin' sleeping beauty." The guy, now standing above you, had his face covered by a black sky mask. His eyes were also a dark, undistinguishable color.

Now you remembered what happened.

You were from an assasin family, married off to Illumi Zoldyck only several months ago. Your good position with Kikyo and recognition from Silva and Zeno gave you the fortunate ability to continue going on missions like you had before being married. Although, as time went on, Illumi's response to love became obsession and possessiveness. You couldn't leave his side or at the very least the same room. As a result, he followed you on those few missions you got to go on. Unlike the Zoldyck butlers that stayed at a distance, Illumi was by your side, unmoving.

This mission had been no different. You were surveying the target from a high vantage point. Illumi was right by your side, atleast attempting to hide. You had gone to attack, successfully and easily taking out the targets. It wasn't any different from a normal mission. You were expecting Illumi to jump down any second now, maybe give you some dull words of congratulation for doing well with the usual critique. However, it never arrived. You looked around for the rather noticeable dead eyed, ghost like man. But he was nowhere to be seen, aswell as your weapons. You were sure you had just put them back, seconds ago even, but now they were nowhere in sight.

"What the hell?" You spoke a loud.

You didn't seem to have very good luck, as the second you voiced your frustration there was a flicker of bloodlust to your right. You attempted to dodge whatever was about to come at you, only to be caught by another person who'd snuck up on you entirely unnoticed. Whatever the man had shot had you hit you. It only felt like a pebble being lightly tossed at you, but you were knocked out cold.

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