11 | L Lawliet x Reader

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A/N: I relate to the sleep deprived anime boys, we got the same Gucci eye bags. You might see a couple of these around because they're quick to do and I don't have to think of ideas.

Relationship: L Lawliet x Reader
Genre: Fluff
Type: A-Z Headcanons

Word Count: 2067

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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)

   He's not often the affectionate one. L works everyday, all day, with very little rest. If you work with him, then you might get more affection than if you didn't. You'll have to be the one giving for the most part. Don't worry though, he has his ways of showing affection.

Like most of the people I've wrote these for (or will, as you'll soon see), he's not especially touchy-feely. He won't push you away if you do, but that's not the type of affection he gives you. He can use his words: tell you how much he loves and appreciates you, thank you for the things you do, and compliment you until you implode from embarassment. He doesn't have shame in speaking his mind.

B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)

  Your friendship would have had to start because of your similar job or you grew up in Wammy's House with him. In the first case, the relationship is built from respect. You work on atleast several cases with him, he admires your intellect, and asks you to continue working with him. You two are basically partners in crime, feared yet respected by the outside world.

In the second case, he's much more protective. While there is also respect there, it's more of a sibling relationship. Sure, he loves you and cares for you, but he's not apposed to a friendly fight or several.

C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)

  You'd need to bring it up first. He wouldn't be forward about it himself or really know what cuddling is. But when you do, he loves it. Its warm. And most of the time, he can feel like he's spending time with you while still doing work. Usually he's the little spoon or resting his head on your chest. Otherwise, he'll sit normally  only so you can fall asleep in his lap and he can still do work on his computer.

D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)

   No ❤

E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)

  He's probably not that good at ending a relationship. He's too insensitive to your feelings and usually only breaking up things with the focus on himself. L would be breaking up with you because his job was getting too dangerous, or he fell out of love with you. Either way, he'd be pretty blunt, not giving you any option to fix things or ask questions, and then he'd just leave.

F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)

   Well... if we're going chronologically here somethin' stops this.

It'd probably take a long long time for him to feel like committing far enough to marry you or feeling like he was worth that either. That doesn't mean he never would have bought you a ring and proposed. He doesn't hate the idea of it entirely, but it just takes a bit.

G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)

  Physically, he's gentle. He knows his strength, how to control it, and what you like. If you want to feel like you're being hugged by an industrial compressor, he'll make it happen, but if not, then he'll be whatever you need.

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