7 | Maka Albarn x Reader

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A/N: Sorry to the person who requested this! I got a bit lazy and decided to focus on the 20 other random ideas I came up with rather than this.

Also, hey I made a new book. It's called Who Killed Endeavor and it's a BNHA sort of murder mystery. If you're into that go check it out. It's sort of just something I wanted to write for a bit now, even if it's not that good.

Relationships: Maka Albarn x Male! Reader (Soul Eater)
Genre: Fluff
Type: Drabble (Note at the end)

Summary: You notice Maka isn't having a good day, so you solve it with tooth-rotting fluff.

Word Count: 1041

Thanks for the request! Alexthe_Savage321

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  "I hate these stairs." You groaned as you finally made it up to the entrance of your school: the DWMA.

"Hey, (Y/N)."

"Hey, Soul! You're here early," You greeted, "Are you waiting for Black Star or something? I thought I saw him ahead of–"

"I was actually looking for Maka," He interrupted, "but I guess she's not with you."

He began following you as the two of you walked towards your EAT class. "She left before me today, so she should be here already."

"Seriously! I've been waiting here all more and she didn't even answer my texts– how uncool."

"Thats weird. Did you two get in a fight or something?"

"No! Everything was normal yesterday. Did you do something? Don't act stupid, if you did I'll–" His arm momentarily glistened in the light as it transformed to a scythe.

"I didn't do anything, idiot! I thought everything was fine this morning too, she even made me breakfast!" You hit him on the head.

You two bickered all the way there but rather quickly reached your EAT class. The room was rather empty, the rows of seats barely full as students had yet to reach the classroom yet. Sure enough, Maka was there, in her usual spot. She was looking reading a book as usual. Although, Soul and you shared a glance at the rather quick realization that something was not alright.

You climbed the steps first, taking your seat beside her while Soul did the same. "Everything alright, Maka?" You asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine." She replied. Her tone was flat, and she didn't even look up from her book as she spoke. Once again, Soul and you shared a look.

Something was definitely wrong, and you were going to do something about it.

- ◇ -

Professor Stein or Sid were totally going to chew you out for skipping your last couple classes for the day. Maka and Kid might too. But, as of now, it was worth it to form your grand plan.

Throughout the whole day, even during training (which Maka often enjoyed) she seemed down. You tried to cheer her up with some compliments here and there and forcing Soul and her other friends to also join in. Although, it didn't seem to help one bit.

So, now you were at home setting up everything for the evening. You had Netflix open, courtesy of Spirit or rather Stein who gave you the password, and ready to play Maka's favorite movie on your computer. Meanwhile, you were working hard to set up a comfy pillow and blanket fort around it. The floor was lined with enough layers carpets and blankets that you couldn't tell you were on the floor, pillows were there as cushions aswell. As for the outside, it was sort of like a tent. You had to steal some of her hair ties, which she seemed to have hundred of, to hold it all together. But, after some trial and error, you made a perfect pillow fort. You even figured out to place some fairy lights around the outside, it was perfect.

However, that wasn't the beginning of it. The next thing you needed to was make food. You decided on popcorn first, for the movie, but had her favorite food to order on your phone. Now all you had to do was wait, which wasn't long. Sometimes Maka would take extra time after school to practice with Soul and occasionally Black Star and Kid. However, she came home quick today.

"Hey Maka wel–" You didn't get to finish your greeting as you received a signature, "Maka-chop!"

"Ow." You stumbled back, holding your head from the hit.

"What were you thinking skipping class! Especially on one of Professor Stein's pop quiz days!" She exclaimed.

"W-well I wanted to come home an uh– make you something." You gestured a bit towards the corner. Maka didn't seem to have noticed it before, but she seemed to calm a bit at the sight of the fort in the corner.

"Whats with this?" She asked, a bit calmer, although her glare was still scathing.

"You didn't seem like you were having a good day. So, I made a fort and was hoping we could cuddle and watch a movie. I made popcorn or I could order from the sandwich place thats down a block." You explained.

She was silent for a bit longer, looking between the fort and you for a moment before replying with, "Why?"

"Because I love you Maka! And I want to make sure your okay." You smiled.

Maka quickly pressed her face into your chest, although you could still her ears were bright, "Th-thanks. It means a lot."

"Of course, I just want to make you happy!" You almost forgot about the throbbing pain in your head. Although, it was soon replaced by Maka's no tightening grip around your body.

"Um– Maka?" You asked.

"Don't skip class next time to do this." She flicked you before heading off to lay in the fort.

"Ri-right, I promise, I won't."

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/N: This was so short and I'm so sorry about that. Usually I try not have atleast the oneshot itself hit 1000 words because personally I don't like reading or writing drabble. I promise, it's not because the request for this oneshot was bad, but my mind kept going brrrrr everytime I wrote something and just I couldn't think of more than this.

I'll definitely write more Soul Eater stuff soon to make up for this!

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