9 | Kyohei Kadota x Reader

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A/N: Writing for Izaya reminded me about how much I simp for this man. So here's these self-indulgent Kadota headcanons.

Feel free to request these types of headcanons for any character you want, as long as I haven't already done one for them.

Relationship: Kyohei Kadota x GN Reader (Durarara)
Genre: Fluff
Type: A-Z Headcanons

Word Count: 1984

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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)

   His love language is acts of service. He'll do things for you like make you breakfast, dinner, fix up anything you need, help you do household chores when he's around, and almost anything you need.

Kadota is usually busy most of the day, whether you're with him and the gang or not, so his affection for you is usually consolidated into the short amount of times he can spend with you in private. Don't be fooled though, he will get everyone second he can out of a hug or kiss.

B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)

   He's a caring guy, no matter the type of relationship you're in. Kadota is the type of friend who is there for you no matter the issue or the time. Your friendship would likely start because of either Erika, Walker, or Saburo. Most likely, the Otakus introduced you two, and you joined their little van gang.

C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)

   Kadota acts tough, but he's a softy. He loves cuddling and usually enjoys falling asleep with someone wrapped in his arms or held close to his chest. Also, man's big and got muscle, he's one full pillow and heated blanket.

D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)

  Like I said, acts of service. He's pretty good at cooking. Not some master chef, but he can figure out most breakfast foods and simple dinner foods. As for cleaning, he's not as much of a fan of that. He'll do it if you need help, but he won't willing clean much than throw away trash and wash dishes.

As for settling down, he's only in his mid 20s. He's hardly thought about it much yet. Maybe one day he'll get tired of the active and violent life in Ikebukuro and just gang life in general.

E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)

  He probably would only break up with you for your safety. Either he got involved in something highly dangerous that he did not want to put you at risk of being trapped in, or he just felt you were at risk being with him. No matter the reason, he would break up with you in person, like a good person does, and offer you whatever you needed from him before he left. Afterwards, he'd probably quickly remove himself from your life: try to avoid intersecting your path as much as possible, remove anything he once kept in your apartment, maybe even do nothing notable for awhile so that you don't even hear rumors of his name. Any reminders of him would be anything you kept on your own.

F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)

  He pictures it someday. Maybe he'd need to have to leave Ikebukuro first before he seriously decided to propose. He does not want to get married super quickly unless that person happens to be another badass, gang member/former member in Ilebukuro.

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