6 | Wakatoshi Ushijima x Reader

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Relationship: Wakatoshi Ushijima x GN Disabled Reader
Genre: Fluff
Type: Oneshot

Summary: When you were 10, you were in a devastating accident that caused you to loose half of your right arm. Now, you're finally attending a public school again since, Shiratorizawa Academy. Lucky for you, you make friends quickly in the Shiratorizawa Boys Volleyball Team.

Word Count: 3842

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  "And this is the cafeteria!" The girl showing you around gestured towards the large cafeteria. People were already starting to sit down, some looking towards you two in curiosity.

"Its big." You commented.

She chuckled, "Yeah. I need to go get my lunch from my locker. You can wait here if you want to eat with me, my friends won't mind."

"Alright." You nodded. She quickly left out the same doors you two came in in.

You looked around once more. It had been awhile since you'd last been in a school, and your refresher in such a big school was rather overwhelming. You tugged slightly on your uniform sleeve, hoping that it covered your prosthetic well enough. You weren't necessarily embarased by your irregular arm, but the questions and stares got pretty annoying.

"Heeey, newbie-chan!" Someone was now approaching you. If you weren't in a room full of people, you would have totally been terrified by this guy.

He was in your class, but you barely even saw him from where you sat. The red-head towered over you, basically casting a shadow on your form, and had his face twisted in some weird expression.

"Um— y-yes?" You asked.

"Is he going to ask about my arm? Did he see it? What if he tries to mug me? No— only an idiot would do that in a public space. What does he want?" You tried to predict the next words out of his mouth.

"We didn't get to meet earlier. I'm Tendou Satori, nice to meet you!" He greeted.

"(L/N) (Y/N), it's nice to meet you too Tendou-kun!" You replied and let out an internal sigh of relief.

"Do you want to sit with me for lunch! It's just me and a couple other guys, we're outside." He pointed to the doorway that led outside of the cafeteria.

"Sure." You agreed.

"Great!" He grinned. He grabbed onto your hand, the left one luckily, and led you out towards wherever his friends were.

They weren't any less terrifying than him. Both of the guys you were heading towards were tall, more so that most 2nd years, even when they were seated.

"Who's this?" You didn't recognize the boy who asked from your class.

"I'm (L/N) (Y/N), from class 2-3." You greeted again.

"Semi Eita." He responded. Tendou practically threw himself onto the ground next to the other guy.

"And this is Waka-kun!" Tendou introduced the quiet green haired guy.

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