14 | Ban x Reader

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Relationships: Ban x GN Immortal Reader (The Seven Deadly Sins)
Genre: Fluff
Type: Oneshot

Summary: You met Ban as a child, worlds apart, and then again over 1000 years later with a lot more in common.

Word Count: 4082

⛔ SPOILER WARNING: This oneshot contains spoilers about Ban's childhood (in Season 3 of the anime and somewhere past Volume 13/Chapter 102 of the manga). That point is rather important to the story, however it isn't exact to what happens in the anime/manga.

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You saw the boy around often. He would swipe from large crates of supplies the other merchants had. Usually only one or two things like bread, apples, and, on rare occasion, real money. Sometimes he'd get away with it, his only witness being you, but, most of the time, he didn't.

"Hey brat, get back here!" Your father yelled at the child. He was now running quick away from your own booth. Some of the fruits you sold rolling across the pavement.

"(Y/N), go chase after him. Bring him to the knights. He'll be put in jail for sure." Your father said. A bit reluctantly, you ran after the light haired boy.

You really didn't want to and were perfectly fine if he took the food anytime. He was skinny, unusually so compared to the large merchants and those who walked around the market. He needed it more than you or anyone here did.

The boy didn't seem to know his way around well, quickly running into a dead-end alley. He held a slight look of fear as he turned but disguised it with an intimidating look.

"What do you want, bitch." He hissed.

"My dad told me to run after you." You started, "But I really don't care, you can keep the food."

He seemed confused and noticeably so. The grown adults that would usually chase after him probably never let him do that or get away with no issue.

"Just tell me what you want." He furrowed his eyebrows again in an angry look.

"Nothing," you said, "If you want you can come by my dad'.s stall again. I'll give you food for free."

He seemed even more confused now. He decided not speak anymore and instead shoved past you back towards the main streets to wherever he was headed. You didn't see him for awhile, atleast a week infact.

"I hope he's alright." You wondered at first but then realized something else, "Maybe he's avoiding me."

That turned out not to be true as once those worries started to pop into your head, you saw the boy again. He was walking around the market, many merchants had their eyes fixed on him. However his shimmery red eyes only caught onto your own, he gave a small gesture with his head to the right.

You glanced towards your father, he was busy helping an old woman get whatever she was buying.

"Bye dad, I'll be right back!" You quickly called, snatching whatever food you could pick up as you left. You dodged through the large amount of people, maybe running into a few, and slowing down once you made it back to that alleyway you first saw the boy in.

 ~❦ Various Anime x Reader Oneshots ❦~Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat