Chapter 29

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The Gall of Gammon

Disclaimer: This story is my humble attempt to write a fanfiction of the epic Mahabharata. My intention is not to hurt anyone's sentiment.

Aum Namah Shivay!!

Major Jayant Roy, SM is a fictitious character. Any similarity with any living person is merely a coincidence.

Chapter 29

Hastinapur, Dwapar Yuga

Bhishma POV

The royal court of Hastinapur was full of people now. All the courtiers were present today. Everyone was eager to know about the Rajkumars of Hastinapur. I looked at the throne. Maharaja Dhritarashtra was not even trying to mask his excitement. I turned my eyes to Vidura sitting next to me. He was having his neutral expression all the time. Then my gaze fell on Shakuni, who was sitting at the opposite row of me. His face had a careful mask of calmness, but the glow in his eyes was telling about something else.

A few moments later, Dronacharya arrived in the royal court. His face was glowing with joy and pride. He was a teacher who had successful students and that joy was clearly visible.

He bowed his head to the king.

"Pranipat Maharaja Dhritarashtra. Today, I am announcing here that my teaching has come to an end. Every single Kuru Rajkumars has become fine young warriors. They are well versed in Vedas and Shashtras too."

"Tell us more about the Rajkumars, Acharya." came Dhritarashtra's excited voice. I heaved a sigh. He was eager to hear more about his sons.

Dronacharya took a pause for a moment. Then he said,

"Every single one of them can use all the weapons through an extent. But they are expert in using one weapon of their choice. Rajkumar Yudhisthir is an expert in spear combat. Rajkumar Bheem, with his incredible strength, becomes a great mace fighter. Rajkumar Nakul has become the greatest swordsman in this universe. Rajkumar Sahdeva is the second best axe-fighter in the whole world, only after sage Parashurama."

"What about Arjun?" I asked him. The name of Arjun increased the glow in the Guru's face.

"Rajkumar Arjun has become the greatest archer ever lived in the universe. He becomes a master of celestial weapons. Pardon me for saying this, Gangaputra, but he can exceed you someday in the field of Archery."

The words made me smile. If my grandson could beat me in archery, then it would be the proudest moment of my long life. The whole royal court was silent for a moment.

Then, suddenly, the thin voice of Shakuni echoed into my ear.

"Pardon me Acharya, but as far as my memory reminds me, you don't have only five students."

That man hadn't even tried to mask that audacity in his voice. But, before I could say anything, Maharaja Dhritarashtra spoke.

"Shakuni is right, Acharya Drona. What about my hundred sons?"

Dronacharya looked at the blind king's face.

"You have sent a hundred and one sons in my gurukul, Maharaja. Rajkumar Yuyutsu is also a disciple of mine. Both he and Rajkumar Vikarna have become good archers, but not good as Arjun. Rajkumar Dussasan is a good sword fighter, though he is not good as Nakul. All the other son of yours is good spear and sword fighters."

"But what about Duryodhana?" came the king's anxious voice.

I was looking at the face of the Acharya. His facial expressions changed after hearing the name of the eldest son of Gandhari. The smile from his face replaced by hardness, but it was just for a moment. I heaved a sigh. After the incident happened to Eklavya, Duryodhana took the injured boy to Hastinapur, in Vidura's home. There, he along with Sulabha nursed him back to his health. I remembered him vividly. It was a sad thing that he had to suffer that fate. But still, when I met him, I found that he didn't bear any malice towards Dronacharya. That innocent smile in his face still haunted me after all these years. That little boy would be remembered for this noble and courageous deed, the giver of the supreme Guru-Dakshina, which was the thumb of his right hand.

Dronacharya's voice broke the chain of my thinking.

"Rajkumar Duryodhana is a talented mace fighter. Only he can face Bheem with a mace among the other Kuru Rajkumars. He is also a good archer, but not good as Arjun."

The king was extremely pleased after hearing about his sons' achievements. Then Shakuni came up with the plan of a contest among the princes of Hastinapur.

The contest was not a good idea. Kauravas and Pandavas already had a lot of enmity between them. This contest could very much add fuel to it. Though Shakuni insisted that it would be a friendly contest amongst the cousins, I did not trust that man a bit. But Dhritarashtra seemed eager to that idea, so it would be futile for me saying something. The Rajkumars would come back tomorrow morning. Every single one in the palace were eager to meet them.

In the evening, the royal meetings came to an end. The contest would be held after seven days. But still, I could not fully support the idea from my heart. I could only hope for a better outcome.

I was walking in the corridor of the palace, when I saw Dronacharya standing there. He was not alone. Kripacharya was standing behind him. Dronacharya had a strange thoughtful expression in his face.

"Pranipaat, Gangaputra!" He greeted me.

"Pranipaat, Acharya." I greeted him too.

"Can we talk to you in private? We have something important to discuss." Dronacharya said to me.

The three of us entered into my room. I was looking at Dronacharya's face. I hadn't seen this type of thoughtful expression in his face.

"What is it, Acharya? Something seems to bother you."

Dronacharya heaved a sigh.

"It was Duryodhana."

"Had he disrespected you by any means? If he did so, then you must punish him."

A bitter smile came to the acharya's face.

"No Gangaputra, he doesn't disrespect me. To disrespect someone, one must have some respect for him. After what have I done to Eklavya, I lost every single amount of respect that Duryodhana ever had for me. He doesn't disobey or disrespect me, but I could see that in his eyes. He still loves Kripi and Ashwatthama which is enough for me. But the sad thing was that Duryodhana directly blames Arjun for what happened to Eklavya. But this is not what I want to discuss."

I was listening silently. Dronacharya took a pause, and then he spoke again.

"As I know, there are only two disciples of Guru Parashurama in Hastinapur. The first one is you, and the second one is me. Is it correct?"

"Yes, it is correct."

"Gangaputra, have you ever taught Duryodhana any type of unarmed combat techniques?"

The question literally shocked me.

"What are you saying, Acharya? Do you mean that the eldest son of Dhritarashtra becomes a good wrestler too?"

"You misunderstood me, Gangaputra. I mean that unarmed fighting technique that was invented by Sage Agastya and of which Sage Parashurama is also a master. We both know that the modern fighting techniques started from these two stages. Sage Parashurama emphasises on weapons where as Sage Agastya emphasised on unarmed fighting. When I went to learn from Sage Parashurama, he only taught me the art of weapons. But once, I saw him practicing the unarmed combat. Now, when I saw Duryodhana that day in the morning, I instantly recognise some movements. Now, have you taught that to him?"

Now, I was dumbfounded. I have never taught anything to any of the kids. The only people whom I ever taught were Dhritarashtra, Pandu and Vidura. Both Pandu and Vidura became excellent archers. Dhritarashtra, with his exceptional hearing ability could hit a target by hearing sound. He also had immense strength so much that he could crush stone and iron by his bare hands.

But Dronacharya's words I couldn't ignore. With each passing days, Duryodhana was becoming way more enigmatic and complex. I didn't know what would be the result of it.

"No, Acharya, I haven't taught him anything. But what you are saying raised a lot of questions in my mind. I will not rest before I got answers of them.", I said in a determined voice.

The three of us stood up. From the next day, the circumstances would change again.

 The princes would come tomorrow morning. 

So, this is chapter 29.

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