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Rose's POV

I stop by the bakery on my way to town. Texas is already here in the back kneading some dough when Mr.Wilson comes to greet me.

"Oh my! Rose when do you get here? Sit, sit." He rushes to me. The Wilson's have filled in place of my non-existent grandparents so they often coddle me. Not that I am complaining, it feels nice to be spoiled sometimes.

"I just thought I would stop by and see if you need any help in preparation for tomorrow?" I respond. His wife, Maria Wilson, actually taught me to not only how to bake, but how to cook as well when I was very young. I have been blessed to be on the receiving side of the Wilson's family recipes only a few are aware of. They have always treated me as apart of their family, and for that, I will always be grateful.

"No, we have everything handled Sugar. But please, tell me how you are holding up." Mrs.Wilson asks me, joining the conversation. I spend the next hour chatting away with them while sipping on some herbal tea. Before I head out, I bring the chocolate chip cookies they baked for the village warriors with me on the way to the training field.

"Goodbye Sugar." Mrs.Wilson calls out as I leave. I wave goodbye before securing my hold on two large-sized containers full of newly baked, lukewarm chocolate chip cookies. I should let you know, I hardly have any female friends due to our differences in choice of hobbies, so the crowd I hang around are the village warriors in training. I like to call my group of friends the golden boys of our village. They are all fairly attractive and are known for their good progress. I make my way to the training center, finding Jason along the way.

Jason is like the cool uncle at all the family gatherings. He is super chill and actually encourages me to train along the rest of them, while others are hesitant. He is about late twenties, a good 6 foot and has a nice frame.

"Hey Jase." I say.

"Hey Rose." He replies. I met him when I trailed them on one of their hunting journeys without being noticed until they were a day into their journey back to our village. He and the others apparently found it humorous as to how a 7 year old girl tailed them all the way out into the woods without being noticed.

"The Wilsons know the lot of you are tired and most likely worn out in preparation for the Dragon Fest, so they me freshly baked cookies to give to you all." I inform him, approaching a larger group of trained hunters. I hear cheers as many more familiar faces gather around the savory aroma. I have trained with the older warriors far longer than I have with those my age, making me slightly more advanced skill wise.

"Thanks kiddo." Garret says. He is one of the older warriors whom I have also developed a bond with. He is 41, with a slightly graying beard in contrast with his bald head. He is always one to check up on my studies and pushes me to strive my best academically. His motivation is what pushed me to do better at such a young age, and ever since, I have remained top of my classes. He lost his wife to cancer a few years back, and ever since, we have become closer.

"Yeah, I really needed this today." Jamie pipes in. He is 37, expecting his third child with his wife Iris, and is very humble about his abilities. He looks very happy, probably because his overly energetic 4 year old daughter, Amber, is wearing him out. Honestly, Miss Iris is a saint for giving birth twice, nearing a third, having known the pain of child birth. Jamie is one of if not the best hand-to-hand combat warrior, so getting personal training from him was a great honor for me.

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