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Rose's POV

'Little one, oh little one.' He replies instantly.

'I am taking you to the field so I can wash you.' I tell him privately. I now open the conversation to the other three dragons I can speak to, 'Will your riders allow me to bring you guys to the field so you can keep Belvedere and I company?' I ask.

'Lucas doesn't mind.' Ampiere replies after a moment.

'Neither does Marcus.' Oceanus replies.

'I can go, but Trent was more reluctant.' Nightshade says.

'Great!' I reply. I make my way towards each of their stables, allowing them out. I put my supplies in the basket with my two eggs, "My babies are coming with us." I announce aloud. The dragons nod and I start the conversation.

'So what have you guys done besides go flying with me?' I ask.

'I ate, slept, and repeat.' Ampiere says.

'Same, but I also got to see some of your day little one. Whenever you portray a strong emotion of some sort, it's like I am automatically taken into your point of view.' Belvedere says.

'That's cool, and a little strange. What about you two?' I ask Oceanus and Nightshade.

'We got to visit the hatchery and see the new riders pick out their eggs.' Nightshade says.

'Yes, I love seeing the numerous riders grow up alongside their dragons.' Oceanus adds. I nod.

'So what's the latest gossip?' I ask them, raising my eyebrows. I hear a deep rumbling sound around me, I look and see Belvedere shaking his head in amusement.

'Little one, there is no gossip.' He chuckles.

'Really? There must be a little drama between dragons once in a while.' I edge on. We arrive at the field and the other dragons lay down around Belvedere and I. I set down my eggs in the basket out of reach, but still in my line of vision.

'The most controversial thing right now is you.' Nightshade tells me.

'Me?' I question. I focus on pulling out some of the humidity in the air, enough to fill one of the buckets I brought. When I form enough water in a ball, I lead it to the bucket. "Care to elaborate?" I ask them out loud. I put one of my honey soap bars in the water, letting it disintegrate.

'You noticed on your first night here that the dragons were under appreciated no?' Ampiere asks. I nod.

'Maybe it's just because we all have male riders, but even the more affectionate boys only do so much.' Oceanus adds.

'It's because you spent hours of your time painting murals on my stable walls, as well as decorating them, just to make me more comfortable. You did all of this without even knowing me for a full 24 hours.' Belvedere recalls.

'Many of our riders who we have known for several years would not even think about making our living situation more bearable.' Nightshade says.

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