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Rose's POV

I stare at the stone in shock. I begin to doubt that the stone was accurate, but ever since we were able to understand the ceremonies as a whole, it has been instilled in us that the stone makes no mistakes. Everything is silent, no one utters a peep. Of course certain people thought that I may be able to wield a single element, as all female chosen ones have, but I can sure as heck guarantee that nobody expected that I would be a dragon rider as well.

I shift my gaze from the stone to Two Colors, hoping he understands what I am implying. Thankfully he does, and with a nod, he goes to retrieve a different specialized stone to determine what element I shall be able to wield.  This will determine whether or not the stone makes no mistakes because it is common knowledge to all beings in the magii community that the stone will only respond with a glow if the person touching the stone is a true dragon rider.

He replaces the 'ancient rock' with the new stone and places it on the pedestal. He hands over the ancient stone to Blondie to put safely back into its place. Once he returns, I then take a glance at the stone before me, only to realize that it is not a stone. The 'stone' is actually a refined and defined shape of imperium.

"Imperium." I identify. The dragon riders gaze at me curiously, as do the elementals.

"What is imperium?" The older dragon rider from the beginning of the ceremony asks, testing out the word. I look at them in slight embarrassment.

"I named this material imperium because I did not know what it was at first. I saw it about to be trashed in my village's blacksmith shop and I felt this overwhelming aura of power coming from it. Thus, imperium, the literal translation of the word power in Latin." I respond slightly embarrassed for speaking out.

"Interesting." He comments, motioning with his hands for me to put my hand on the imperium made stone. I do as he says and assume that I am supposed to do what I did when I wanted to craft my sword.

So, with the utmost concentration, I let all of my worries and thoughts slip out of my mind and leave my head blank of thought. I instinctively tune in on my senses, more aware than before. I can sense a light thud of vibration reaching the ground in the woods. Based off of the frequency and force of vibrations, it makes me believe that the vibrations are being caused by a deer. I can feel the minuscule difference in breeze, as the air blows around the deer. Against its fur, the winds flows around the deer, weightless and free. The difference caused when the deer is non-moving, then returns to walking along the river bank. The force of the water makes me feel tranquil as a miniature waterfall meets the mouth of the river, an undercurrent present. I can also feel the humidity hanging in the air. The air opposite of dry yet unchanging in its ways, showing the strength it takes for leaves to dance elegantly along the breeze without allowing gravity to immediately act.

I feel as if I have been meditating for hours on end when the silence is broken by an uproar of applause. I open my eyes after gathering myself for a moment only to see the the imperium made stone is glowing all four colors. I look into Two Colors' eyes, to make sure my brain is not playing mind games.

"Holy Goddess." I mutter, becoming slight nauseous. Two Colors slightly grabs ahold of my elbow, steadying my wavering form. He looks astounded, in awe. The others on stage are just as shocked at the relegation as I am, if not more. I then notice the crowd.

I gasp. My whole village just witnessed one of their own be chosen as both a dragon rider and magii user. Not just any magii user, I am able to wield all the elements, nonetheless am a female. I tune into the crowd, my ears searching for the familiar voices of my family.

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