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Hours before arriving at Trinity Stone Village ^

Blue Dragon POV

It is an early morning, around half past six o'clock and the selected dragons such as I, our riders, and selected magii users are littered around the widespread field. All chatter dies down when the familiar face of Headmaster Jackson makes his way to a make shift stage in the front of the field to assign us a village.

"Thank you all for getting up so early to get your assignments. As you know, you lot are specifically chosen to retrieve this generation of chosen one's from these villages because they have a history of breeding some of the strongest magii users and dragon riders in our community. Also, the four villages that have a choosing ceremony today have the most people in terms of population. For this reason, we will task some of you by being on standby if a village is to have more chosen ones than anticipated. With that being said, listen for your names to be called and your assigned village."

Headmaster begins rattling off names as I ask Marcus, my riding companion, a question through bond-link. Bond-link is a mental connection that is established only between a dragon and their rider. It has the same principles as mind-link, but mind-link only works between us dragons, no rider has ever been able to listen in on a dragon's mind-link conversation with another dragon. This is because dragon riders are only able to communicate with their dragon companion, nobody else's.

'What village do you want to be assigned to?' I bond-link him.

'Trinity Stone.' Marcus replies back.

'Why?' I inquire.

'For the past couple years, the ones who have been selected to retrieve chosen ones from Trinity Stone Village all rave on and on about a girl who provides them with cookies. But not just any cookies, all who have tasted them say that they are the best homemade cookies in the community.' Marcus replies with enthusiasm. I just snort, of course my rider would only be in it for the food.

My mind drifts off again as I subconsciously see my aquamarine scales glitter in the penetrating sun. Marcus grabs my attention when he whistles and begins walking towards a group of people whom I assume are assigned to travel along with us.

"Hey everyone, my name is Marcus and my dragon's name is Oceanus." My rider says.

"Hi, my name is Aiden, to my left is Joel, and to my right is Clay." Aiden introduces. Aiden is wearing both green and blue, meaning he must be very graceful and perceptive, a dual-wielder. Clay, a dark haired guy, is wearing all grey, a tell tale sign of an air wielder. Joel, a dirty-blond haired guy, is wearing all red, a fire wielder.

"Hey everyone, I am Lucas and here is my best friend, Ampiere." Lucas says.

'Nice to meet you Ampiere, I am Oceanus.' I mind link her.

'Likewise.' She replies. Ampiere must be of fire elemental decent, her unmistakeable scarlet-red scales tell me that she is purebred. I see two more guys approaching us with a larger figure behind them.

"Nice to meet you everyone. I am Justin and this is my dragon Beau." Justin greets. Beau is a fair leafy-green looking dragon who waits for his rider to finish introductions.

"And I am Alex." The dragon rider beside Justin adds. Everyone introduces themselves once again, and I notice that Beau seems somewhat anxious.

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