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Rose's POV

I am surrounded by lavender plants, the fresh flowery smell calming my relaxed state furthermore. I am under the shade of a large oak tree, a few meters away from the poor dragon assigned to carry all of my belongings. I had to make sure that they carefully secured my package from Mr.Olly and Olsen because the two of them told me that whatever was in the package was fragile. I smell the oak wood scent invading my nostrils, being carried by the breeze. I can feel the bark of the century old tree rubbing against my back, each tiny splinter of wood waiting to prick my skin.

I continue to calm myself and relax my muscles. Of course I have always been around boys, but this will likely be the first time I am without constant female presence as I attend the Academy. Unless I stop by the maid quarters, I will not be seeing too many girls. There is nothing much wrong with it, it's just that growing up with Stacy and Mrs.Robin as the closest people to having a mom, after Adele's passing of course, it would be nice not to be left without female interaction. Goddess only knows I do so well with making friends with girls my age. My peaceful state of mind is interrupted when I hear the familiar voices of the golden boys shout in unison.


"YOUR LOOKS BLIND ME TIL' DAWN!" I finish the chant. The boys walk over here as if nothing happened, everyone else who is not from our village looks at us questioningly. The chosen ones from our village are probably used to the way our group finds each other if we don't know where the others are, overlooking the occurrence as a whole. We talk about what we think the Academy will be like and what classes we have to take.

"We are going to have to protect you y'know." Tony says to me. Ever since I befriended him, he has taken it upon himself to be like my best friend/bodyguard.

"Why?" I ask, knowing that I can take all of them down if I wanted to. Although Tony is strong, I bear the same muscles with agility and skill on my side.

"Everyone at the Academy will be looking at you like a fresh piece of meat. Maybe if you were ugly we wouldn't have a problem, but you are literally like the walking form of an angel." Tony responds. They all got over the crush phase very quickly in primary school, and now they are most definitely my brothers. The good thing about it is that they aren't afraid to compliment me on my appearance, as I them. We all know that we are a relatively attractive group.

"Aw man, I forgot about that." The twins whine in unison. Ryder nods his head gruffly, not liking the fact that other people will be looking at my body in a not-so-appropriate way.

"May we have everyone's attention." One of the riders announces. The talk immediately dies down, everyone anxious to hear what they have to say.

"Thank you. We will all introduce ourselves, then we will give you a brief run down as to what is to be expected when we arrive at the Academy. Starting with me, my name is Aiden. I am 18 years old, a dual wielder of both nature and water, and am a year 4 at the Academy." Two Colo- I mean Aiden states.

"Hello everyone, my name is Joel. I am also 18 and these two knuckleheads' best friend," He says, motioning to Aiden and the other magii user. "I am a fire wielder and am a year 4 at the academy." Joel finishes.

"Hi, I am Clay. I am 18, an air wielder, and am a year 4." Clay shortly explains. Just as I predicted, he is the more reserved type, probably not too big of a fan of crowds while Aiden is a natural leader.

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