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Third Person POV

From the moment Rose preferred training with the older boys over playing with dolls, the villagers knew she would be special. Everyone knew that she was an orphan, but that's not what separated her from the crowd, what was different about Rose was her delicacy and beauty.

Everyday the daycare workers would be surprised by the little 5 year old. Adele, the head daycare worker, loved watching Rose gracefully move from activity to activity. Much more sophisticated than the average child: she spoke in full sentences, was polite to everyone even if the person was not polite to her, she saw the best in every situation, and encouraged her peers to do their best.

One day, when they were drawing in a color book, Rose was drawing her own picture. When one of her peers looked over his shoulder and saw what Rose did, he was frustrated and upset with himself that he wasn't as good as her. The jealous little boy stole Rose's paper and ripped it up. Adele, who was overseeing the whole commotion, was about to scold him for that, but to her surprise, Rose had it handled. She didn't throw a fit, cry, or even overreact.

"Why did you do that?" She calmly asks the raven haired boy. The boy just pouts, still upset that the his drawing didn't look as good as hers. "I can help you with yours if you would like." Rose offers, which peaks the boys interest.

Adele and another daycare worker who came over to see what the fuss was about were standing in shock. They were thoroughly surprised that the young girl offered to help the little boy who did more damage than good.

The boys nods in shame. "I'm sorry." Young Rose just brushes it off.

"Just don't do it again okay?" She says. The boys nods quickly and the pair get to work. Rose teaches him how to hold his utensil so he doesn't color outside of the lines and tells him which colors look best with others. That is how the friendship of Tony and Rose began. Adele was fascinated with this girl's perception and ability to forgive. She knew then that she would cherish and guide Rose away from all of the negativity life has to offer in hopes of keeping her kind heart and pure soul to remain.

But it wasn't just Adele who was captivated Rose, all village elders and even some parents were fascinated by her. Many parents were jealous of her, but never showed any bit of hostility. Lots of parents were envious that a young orphan girl was more graceful than their children and spoke with much consideration and wisdom. Some parents even resented their own kids for not being more like Rose. One time, a 10 year old little girl came home, very happy to show her parents her marks.

"Mom! Dad!" The little girl yelled out.

"What is it dear?" Her mom asked, walking into the room with her father.

"Look at my marks." The little girl says, a bright smile on her face. Her parents look at the sheet thoroughly.

"What were Rose's marks?" Her father asks. The little girls smile instantly dropped, suspecting the question to come sooner or later.

"Perfect scores across the board." She mumbles to her parents. Her mother scoffs, her father rolling his eyes.

"This is not good enough! Rose gets perfect marks and is the top student in your year. Why can't you be more like her?" Her mother starts.

"I always see you hanging around Jessie and Olivia, why don't you hang out with Rose? The young girl doesn't even have parents and is more mannered than you." Her father adds in.

"Honestly, why can't Rose be our daughter? She is everything I could ever want, beautiful, graceful, polite, smart, just perfect. But what do I get? I get the daughter who slacks off in class, trying to be pretty when Rose doesn't have to try." Her mother scolds her. The little girl has tears spilling along the sides of her cheeks.

Why should she expect anything less? Ever since Rose became fluent in French, Russian, and Italian by the time she was 9, everyone's parents have disregarded their own kids, openly showing their disappointment towards them if they weren't as good as Rose.

"Why couldn't Rose be our daughter? Alas, we would have a perfect family of three. But why wish for the impossible?" The little girl's father spits out. Both of her parents abruptly turn around and return to what they were previously doing. The little girl runs to her room in tears, a decision made up in her mind. She will never let Rose rule her life. That is how the rivalry between Angelica and Rose began.

As Rose grew older, more and more people treated her with respect and awe, though she often times remained oblivious. Mr.Lucia and the rest of the seasoned warriors took Rose under their wing when she showed interests in their daily activities. Not only would the crowd be able to learn more about the impressive girl, but they will be reassured that she will be able to protect herself in the future. Although there are about 2,300 people in Trinity Stone Village, Rose has developed close relations to a couple hundred of them while showing her support to all of the kids in her high school. Not only this, but she has probably helped 2 in every 12 women with their kids once she reached the age of twelve.

The village leader, Nicholas, knew that Rose had a greater purpose. He made everyone aware on several occasions that she is powerful and will bring hope into the magii world. The thing is, some magii users are able to determine someone's power level when they are close to them for long periods of time as they near the choosing ceremony. Nicholas has been able to tell that Rose was special since day one, but didn't know how powerful she was until the day Garret's wife died.

The villagers all thought that it was just a rare occurrence of bad weather, but Nicholas as well as all the other elementals in their village knew the truth. The truth was that Rose created the storm, so all of the magii users knew she would be chosen on the choosing day, but were sworn under oath as members of the magii community not to comment on it.

What shocked the magii users inhabiting the village the most was that she was able to wield not only one, not only two, but all of the elements. This, along with the fact of being a dragon rider, made her apart of an ancient prophecy. The prophecy is only known to the Elders of every community. There are 4 communities that make up the supernatural race. The werewolf community, the vampire community, the coven community (composed of witches and warlocks), and the magii community (composed of elementals and dragon riders). There are two Elders from every community.

Generally, the strongest and most powerful pure souls are elected as an Elder. There are Elder elections when one has died or cannot continue the position. Their job is to keep the supernatural world balanced and peaceful while maintaining good political relations with foreign human governments so that the mortal world is unaffected by supernatural presence.

Everyone in the village has been affected by Rose, all positive effects with very few indirect negative effects. Many elders of her village are sad to see her go but are excited to see her succeed. Although she is only 15, Rose has impacted those around her, and has great things awaiting for her in the future. While the chosen one's are making their way to the clearing in the woods, Rose is meditating peacefully surrounded by a small patch of lavender plants, covered by the shade of an oak tree. She is in her own little world, unaware of the lingering gazes of the dragons.


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