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Rose's POV

The five days have passed by very quickly, and we are already 15 hours into the journey to Sparrow Light Academy. I was able to bring Artemis and Apollo, as well as my katana and sword to show to the wealthy blacksmiths. I am actually utilizing the leather bag I bought from Aisha and Malik's antique shop, using it to hold my energy replenishment serum, my anti-aging serum, my healing powder, my hair shine product, my twin daggers, my throwing stars, and a few undergarments.

In my backpack, I have a couple days worth of clothes, my items, two water bottles, a protein bar, my gala dress, and my hair pieces. When Mr.Hartsfield showed me my dress, I gasped in extreme shock. The dress is magnificently beautiful and will look gorgeous on my figure.

Headmaster Jackson has arranged for one of the female cooks to help me prepare for the ball. I refuted his want to help, but the dragon rider insisted. I accepted the helping hands on the condition that I am able to wear my combat boots. Goddess only knows how much I despise the stereotypical heels. He agreed reluctantly after I stated how my feet will be covered by my dress.

We are a few hours out from the Academy and my nerves are only increasing. Headmaster Jackson gave me an oversized hooded cloak to wear so that my identity remains a surprise. He informed us that we will all be placed in rooms grouped with those at our Academy. Each Academy is given 2 rooms for the six students to sleep in. All Headmasters and other superiors will be roomed near the teacher's quarters.

It will not be awkward if I am roomed with Lucas because he apologized for his side remark the other day. I forgave him with the promise that if he has an issue, he come to me directly instead of keeping it to himself. I have spent a lot of time with my companions because the day of the ball, I will not be able to directly watch the sunset with them.

I have watched the sunset with Belvedere every single day since my third day at the Academy, with the exception of holiday break; sometimes, my twins join us in the air. I apologized many times for not being able to spend our designated time together, but Belvedere has reassured me that he can surely go one day without our daily ritual.

I promised him I will still try and be in the moment somehow. Nobody is riding with me on Belvedere or on my twins because I fly my dragons without a saddle. All dragon riders at the Academy fly their dragons with a saddle, even Headmaster Jackson. Lucas, Clay, and Louis are riding on Ampiere, and Aiden and Joel are riding on Star with Headmaster Jackson.

Two hours pass by quickly and the European Academy is in sight. I see two other Academies approaching with their dragons in the opposite directions.

When we land, we are welcomed by a man who introduces himself as Headmaster Weiss. He raises an eyebrow at the abundance of dragons from our Academy, but lets it pass. He leads each of our Academies to their sleeping quarters. I end up roomed with Joel and Louis, taking a look at our temporary room.

The space is very Victorian like, very English in a way. The designs of the wallpaper look older than those we have at Stone Heart Academy. The room itself is accented black with a good amount of space in the dorm considering that there is three beds. They have bagged food waiting on our beds for dinner. When Louis gets out of the shower, Joel steps in. They offered it to me first, but I refused, wanting to speak with my companions.

'Thank you again for coming all this way.' I speak to the three.

'It really is no grand gesture.' Belvedere says.

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