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Rose's POV

Headmaster Jackson takes a deep breath before starting. "Combat & Weaponry ... Level 1." I believe that everyone in the arena expected that because I don't hear any gasps or angry grumbles, just the applause. Headmaster waits for the clapping to die down before continuing. "Air ... Level 1, Advanced Manipulation Learning and Control." Now I hear some gasps, followed by applause. "Water ... Level 1, Advanced Manipulation Learning and Control." Even more people gasp, soon followed by very loud cheers. This is probably coming from people from my home village.

"Nature ... Level 1, Advanced Manipulation Learning and Control." More cheers, more intakes of breath. "Fire ... Level 1, Advanced Manipulation Learning and Control." The crowd cheers in an uproar, I see many excited faces, others in awe. I look towards my friends and beam widely.

"I KNOW HER!!!" I can hear Danny shout at the top of his lungs. I just laugh at his enthusiasm.

'You friend seems stupid.' Belvedere bluntly tells me, I guess he heard it too.

'Oh shut it you. That's just his personality.' I respond to him.

"Dragon Riding ... Level 1." Headmaster concludes with a huge smile. I stare in shock, as well as everyone else. I just received perfect placements as a year 1 in every single one of my placement tests and battles. I wouldn't be able to even hear my own voice, that's how loud the thundering applause is. I look around and see I have gotten a standing ovation from everyone in the arena, I smile my pearly whites and wave, walking out of the arena.

'I will be right back.' I tell my companion.

I am picked up and spun around by Ryder. I get hugs from the other 10 boys I was sitting with as well. The crowd finally settles down and Headmaster speaks once more.

"This concludes our placement testing period. At this time, please leave the arena and get ready for your classes tomorrow. Pick up your schedules at the main office when you have a chance." He demands. Everyone begins exiting the arena meanwhile I enter again to ask Marcus a question, bidding my friends goodbye.

"Where is Belvedere going to stay?" I ask.

"If you follow me, you and your dragon will be set up with a large area in the stables. And this is Trent, your other instructor." Marcus tells me. I smile and shake his hand, following Marcus's lead after putting my shirt back on and grabbing my weapons.

"I have never seen someone so able to tame a wild dragon as well as you have. I don't even believe Lucas would be capable of taming a feral dragon like you just did." Trent tells me.

"Thank you. Although respectfully, I would appreciate it if you do not compare me to Lucas or any of the other dragon riders." I politely thank. Others get compared to me a lot, and often times, they begin to resent me for it. I do not want any enemies early on.

"Why not?" Marcus asks in confusion. Isn't he like 36?

"Everyone learns and excels at different paces. I know you two are aware of this because of the different levels in place. So Trent, if you just said what you told me in front of Lucas, it would make him feel worse. I would rather not let anybody wallow in shame or disappointment due to their limitations and abilities, especially when being compared to me. But thank you for the compliment nonetheless." I voice my opinion. I hear Marcus mumble What did I tell you?  to Trent, but I make no move to show that I heard.

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