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Rose's POV

Oliver and I walk up to Headmaster Jackson. There is one more person with us as we begin walking.

"Hi, my name is Rose, and this is Oliver." I start the conversation.

"Hello, my name is Andrea." Andrea says with a slight Italian accent.

"Are you Italian?" I ask.

"Yes, my parents and I moved into Blood Hound Village from Italy, after they told me about the magii community. They are both elementals." Andrea responds.

"That's cool. What elements do you wield, and which part of Italy?" Oliver joins the conversation.

"I am a dual wielder of both the elements nature and air; air from my mother and nature from my father. We are from Milan." Andrea says.

"Good luck buddy." Oliver tells Andrea.

"What?" He asks confused.

"You just made friends with someone who speaks fluent Italian. If I know her at all, which I do, she will only speak to you in Italian now." Oliver chuckles.

"È vero!" I say with a huge smile.
[ T : It is true! ]

" Sei davvero carino lo sai." Andrea chuckles.
[ T : You are really cute you know. ]

" Così mi è stato detto." I respond with a shrug.
[ T : So I've been told. ]

"I'm a dual wielder of both the elements air and water, my sister over here is a multi-wielder of all the elements and a dragon rider." Oliver adds in.

"Wow, I thought when you said that at the ceremony it was a joke." Andrea stares at me, awestruck. I shake my head no. Headmaster Jackson comes to a stop in front of a couple familiar classrooms.

"Since you can all wield air, this is where I thought I could best show you guys what I am about to explain. Tomorrow, after breakfast, this years generation will all individually enter the arena and be tested for their level. The test remains the same for the most part, just slightly different based on your status. Their will be a fight in hand to hand combat, your skills will be tested in all weaponry, then, if you are a dragon rider, you will have to calm down a dragon and elementals will use their elements in battle."

"The dragon will be out of control, one of the wild ones we have saved from poachers. Of course we will have people on stand by to help, but we want to see how developed your relationship to a dragon is. Now for the elementals, you will be forced to use your element against people who are going to 'attack' you. If you cannot wield your element, no matter the situation, you will be placed in Level 5. If you can wield your element but can't use it to aid you in your fight, you will be placed in Level 4. If you can wield your element and defend yourself, you will be placed in Level 3. If you can wield your element and advance, you will be placed into Level 2.  If you can wield your element and fight back and forth with your element against your attacker, you will be placed in Level 1." He takes a breath before continuing.

"Nobody in the recent decades of our Academy have been able to reach Level 1 as a first year on their second day, so do not set your hopes that far. The closest person to do that was Mr.Casey, ten years ago, who was placed in Level 2. His advances were weak, yet still present for both of his elements."

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