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Rose's POV

I put the thought at the back of my mind, choosing to get my food first. There is a wide selection of foods I can eat, but I choose to stick with a salad, a bowl of soup, and a slice of bread. I grab my food and place it on my tray, walking towards the Level 1 eating tables. I hear a few whistles as I pass by, followed by some laughter. I turn around and see Iverson, 3 of the fire wielders from that obnoxious group, one dragon rider, and one nature wielder.

"I would appreciate it if you could keep your hormones in check." I say, rolling my eyes. I guess nobody really speaks up to them because they look surprised and the eavesdropping tables go silent.

"Stop dressing like a tease." Iverson says, looking directly into my eyes.

"I can choose whatever clothes I want to wear, it is you who has to learn to keep it in your pants." I argue, not trying to let my emotions control my words. There is an uproar of laughter aimed at Iverson and his friends.

"You don't get to speak to us that way little girl." The dragon rider spits out. The nature wielder nods his head in agreement. I can feel the energy in my aura crystal shift around, this is going to be bad if I don't stop it.

"Look," I sigh. "Just leave me alone and we can go our separate ways." I say, finishing the altercation. I sit down at an empty table with my lukewarm food. I begin eating my salad, aware of the few lingering gazes. I see a flash of red and blonde to my right. I turn to look at the person and see it's Joel. I also see Trevor and Gabriel coming this way, along with Clay.

"Hey blondie." I say.

"Blondie?" He raises an eyebrow.

"Yeah, it's the nickname I picked for you." I mutter sheepishly. "I can call you Joel though if you don't like it." My face a little red from embarrassment. I look up and see that Joel has a wide smile on his face.

"It's fine." He smiles. I greet everyone else at the table.

"I want you staying away from that group. They are the pompous asses I told you about before." I nod to Joel's statement, remembering our conversation atop of Oceanus.

"What's that on your neck?" Clay asks.

"Oh, it's the sapienti est aura crystal. Mr.Monroe gave it to me when I accepted his words of wisdom rather than whine about it, after he told us he had a surprise for the 'winners' of a meditating exercise. The crystal has accepted me and now I am it's protecter and bearer." I explain. The boys look at me wide eyed.

"You mean ... that's an actual aura crystal?" Trevor asks. I nod. I also tell them how if the aura crystal gets a bad feeling, it emits it's power and harms the negative energy source. They nod in awe.

"That's so cool!" Gabriel excitedly says. I laugh at his enthusiasm.

"Anyway, how have your other classes been going?" I ask them. We dive into conversation from there. It's nice to know that they sat with me knowing that they could have been sitting with their other friends. Suddenly, an alarm like sound is rung throughout the cafeteria. We get up and set down our trays, knowing that it is the sound of the 2 minute warning.

"Nice piercing by the way."  Gabriel comments.

"Thank you, I didn't want a standard piercing or water item. But it didn't even hurt, I was about to ask why he hadn't started yet when he told me he was finished." I tell them.

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