Pearl X Superstitious!Reader (Yellow Roses)

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(A/N: Another request! Do remember that if you are too nervous to request something, you can dm me and I'll keep the request anonymous. But don't be nervous! I love writing your requests! It gives me good ideas and challenges! Also, I always hope to give your ideas justice. If it's not exactly what you wanted, you can always message me. The main plot happens around the time of the episode 'Giant Woman'. Hope you enjoy! Kinda long because I got inspired.)

When did it all start?

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When did it all start?

I'd have to say it started when I was sent to earth. I was simply sent there to make sure that all the Crystal Gems had been wiped clean from earth. I didn't know what for. But the best part? I simply sent in my report, then stayed on earth.

And my report?

... Lies.

I told Yellow Diamond that the Crystal Gems were dead. I said that the earth wasn't worth their time. I smiled and lied.

And sure. I felt the effects of that lie. I've been paranoid for centuries.

But it's worth it.


"Who's there!?"

A voice called out to me, scaring me more than I already was. I mean... Looking at an abandoned Kindergarten? That's creepy.

I found myself pinned to the ground, dust filling my senses as my head hit the dirt. I didn't respond, I just covered my face.

Through my limbs, I saw a goddess.

Her peach hair lightly curled around her face, showing off her light skin and bright blue eyes. Her gem was a bright white pearl, sparkling in the dim light. Her form had simple garments. Long thin shoes that reached her calves, pink shorts that reached her lower thighs, and a teal shirt with a lighter blue triangle around her neck. She held a long spear, which had it's tip planted mear inches from the neck of my form.

"I asked you who's there."

My breath hitched in my throat, "I... I am..." I sighed, "I am a(n) {Your gem}. I was sent by the Diamonds to either confirm or deny if the Crystal Gems survived."

I lowered my arms, placing them up in a surrendering position, "You can bubble me if that makes you more comfortable."


And that was that. Years passed. We met Greg and then we met Steven and lost Rose. And I guess I got more Paranoid.

I had learned a lot from humans. Things to help cope with the constant thought of the Diamonds returning and finding out my lie.

On my form, I added a bright green four-leaf clover to help hold back my hair. I avoided fusing with Garnet or other gems to make fusions with three gems. I had pockets in my clothing to place pennies I found heads up on the ground and a rabbit's foot. And I made wishes on shooting stars or wherever I caught the time 11:11.

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