Pearl X Reader (Finding a Friend)

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(A/N: I still haven't gotten any requests yet, so I'm just writing more random things that come to mind. Also, if you just want to tell me a character to write, I can come up with an idea from there. Thank you so much for the 100+ reads and the votes! Hope you enjoy this new story. I know I've already done a Pearl x Reader, but I'm a total simp for her. Also, since I haven't been requested to do anything else, I can do whatever I want. This starts during Jailbreak.)

At this point, I have no Idea how long I've been here. A week, two weeks?

I had been traveling around in my ship for a few thousand or so years, but I had gotten captured by a homeworld ship. Unlucky for me, one of the gems on that ship recognized me from my time fighting alongside Rose Quartz in the rebellion on earth.

So that's how I ended up chained to a wall in a prison cell.

"Get in there!" I heard the Jasper open my cell.

I watched as she threw a Pearl into my cell. As the field closed, the Pearl ran to it. She was about to touch it when I decided to speak.

"I wouldn't touch that," She turned to look at me, "It's made out of stuff similar to the destablizer. Trust me, if there was a way out... I would have found it."

I laughed, "Granted I might have had better luck if I could use my hands. You mind helping out a fellow prisoner?"

She looked me up and down, but I couldn't get a good look at her.

She seemed to think over her options, "Do I know you?"

I laughed again, "Does that matter right now? We're both in the same boat Doll, and maybe I can get us both out of here. It wouldn't be the first time I broke out of one of these stupid cells. Granted the last time was over four-thousand years ago..."

Shock entered her voice, "How long have you been here?"

I shrugged, "A few weeks I guess. I haven't really been keeping the time."

"Is it just you on this ship?"

"Last I checked, they only had one other prisoner. A Lapis Lazuli. She seemed nice enough, but her cell is far from here. Did you get captured alone?"


I smirked, "What? No more information? I guess it makes sense. You did just meet me."

"You're a [Your Gem]?"

"Yeah, and you are a Pearl. Now that we are done with the obvious, what're you in for? Did you tell Yellow Diamond she looks like a giraffe?"


"Man, I was hoping someone finally would."

She scoffed, "I fought for what I believe in, but I don't believe you would understand something like that."

"Are you kidding?"

She came over to me and unlocked my arms, "No."

I stretched out, I swear I heard a bone crack, "That's what I'm in here for. Allying myself with a 'traitor' and 'defying the Diamonds'. Basically just not wanting to destroy an entire planet of living things for tyrannical overlords with manicures."

I got a better look at her. Peach-colored hair in a short, swept back style, light skin, and her gem was on her forehead. She wore a teal shirt with a matching bow tied behind her back, yellow shorts, blue shoes with pink socks, and there was a yellow star proudly on her chest.

"That star..."

He hand rushed up to the image defensively, "What about it?"

I showed her the star on my clothing, "It used to be the icon for the rebellion. But I doubt you were a part of that. Besides me, no gem in the rebellion survived."

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