Lapis X Reader (Okay)

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(A/N: I haven't gotten any requests yet, so here I am just writing random things that come to my mind. Also, if you just want to tell me a character to write, that counts as a request. I can come up with an idea from there. Hope you enjoy the story. Honestly Lapis is #2 Bae. This is during the barn mates era. So like, three or four months after Jasper came and did that thing on the boat.)

"Do you want to fuse?"

My mind was a puddle of goo, "What?"

Lapis looked up to the sky. We sat on the silo sticking off the barn. Peri had gone with Steven to do something or other, and Lapis caught me cloud-gazing.

"I asked if you wanted to fuse with me."

Color had formed on my cheeks, "I heard you. But... Are you sure? I mean, it hasn't been that long since the entire thing with... 'She-who-must-not-be-named'."


My eyes widened, "She must not be named!"

The blue gem beside me just laughed at my reaction. She had the cutest laugh, she had this little snort thing. I could shatter from joy just hearing that laugh. I would do almost anything to keep hearing that laugh for the rest of my existence.

I placed my hand to prop up my face, "What I mean... I mean..."

"I would love to fuse with you," I spoke in a hushed tone, avoiding Lapis's knowing looks, "But I don't want you to push yourself into fusing. I know you are probably not ready for that, and as much as I want to be with you, I don't want to force anything onto you."

She placed her hand on my shoulder, "You wouldn't be forcing things on me. I'm the one who offered. I trust you. Do you trust me?"

"Is that even a question!" my face turned to face her in a heartbeat, "Of course I trust you! You are amazing! Pure, and... and beautiful," I placed my hand on her face, "You've been through so much. So much more pain then I could dream of. I just want to make sure you don't have to go through any more pain."


I interrupted her, standing up, "Don't worry about it. I do trust you, if anything, I don't trust myself. I'm going to see if the Crystal Gems need me."

A few weeks passed by.

Steven had come to hang out with Lapis and Peridot, and he dragged me along with him. It wasn't that I was... avoiding the two gems. I just didn't want to think about what had happened with Lapis.

She had trusted me enough to even suggest fusing with me. But she couldn't be ready. No. I shouldn't assume what she is and isn't ready for. I wasn't ready. I don't trust that I won't do something wrong. I don't want to hurt the gem I love.

Yeah you read right. I love Lapis. It was love at first sight. I had been with Steven when he released her from her prison. I saw her form before me. And I was enchanted by her. Her skirt flowing over her legs, her slender form holding my eyes in her grasp. Just the sight of her left me breathless. And her eyes. Oh stars her eyes.

Sure the whole 'mirror eyes' thing from when her gem was cracked was enchanting, but after Steven fixed her gem. Her eyes held so much pain, and joy. So much sorrow, and curiosity. It was true magic.

I could get lost in those blue eyes for eternity.

"Lapis! Peridot!" Steven called out to the two gems, while still holding my hand, "(Y/N) and I are here to play!"

"Steven!" Peridot jumped down from the truck, landing on her face. She got up quickly, "We made a new Meep Morp! Come on!"

She pulled Steven from my grasp. Lapis still sat on the truck bed. She looked down on me. It made heat overcome my features. I could hear Camp Pining Hearts blaring on the TV before her, but her eyes were on me.

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