Steven X Mute!Half-Gem!Reader (Someone Like Me)

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(A/N: Been awhile, but I got a new request! This has no specific time, other than after 'Change Your Mind', and I imagine Steven is about 16 in this. Hope I do this story justice and that you enjoy! Also I made your mom a sapphire, hope you don't mind.)

(I did this in the Amethyst x Mute!Reader story, but I headcanon that Connie knows sign language

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(I did this in the Amethyst x Mute!Reader story, but I headcanon that Connie knows sign language. Or maybe it was in the show and I just forgot.)

Moving is something I've always hated. My dad has moved me about 17 times since I was born 16 years ago. His job requires him to move all over the country. And that's how he met my mom.

My mom was an alien. By that I mean she wasn't from earth. She was a lilac sapphire person from outer space. And I don't mean to sound bitter. It just sucks that I was left alone with my father, who means well. But that doesn't change the fact he knows nothing about how to raise a teenage girl with magical powers that can't verbalize anything.

Yeah, being mute doesn't help with anything.

Now I stood at a brand new house, and luckily the company signed a contract saying that we were going to stay at this location until I was 18. So now I just have to survive long enough to figure things out in Beach City.

I had looked the place up online, and only really found some crack-head's blog about aliens and snake people. I didn't read much into it. My mom might be a magical rock, but I want to avoid aliens and that supernatural stupidity like the pledge.

I decided against exploring the town, and went to prepare for my first day of hel- I mean school.


"Hello!" This girl with reddy-brown skin and warm brown hair greeted me in what had to be her Sunday best, she looked so prim and proper compared to my clothing. Most of my 'fashion sense' was made to cover my mom's gem.

She was doing ASL as she spoke, "My name is Connie! I'm going to be your guide! I know you can't speak, so don't worry about that. I can translate sign language to spoken word so that everyone can understand you."

I sighed, but smiled. I'm not a rude person, it's just that I've heard this same speech at least 10 times. There's always some teacher's pet that studied sign language because their parents forced them, and then they get stuck being my little carry-on.

'It's okay.' I signed to her, smiling, 'You don't need to do this outside of classes. I don't really care about talking to classmates. So you don't have to go to much trouble for me.'

She knew I was mute, not deaf, so she no longer signed as she spoke, "It isn't trouble. I just want to help you. I know the pressure of moving to a new place. I wouldn't have made any friends in Beach City if it wasn't for Steven."

She suddenly lit up, and I got a bad feeling, "I should introduce you to Steven! He's awesome! He doesn't know sign language, but he's the type that would 100% be willing to learn. This is going to be awesome!"

'I still haven't agreed to this.'

"Just meet me at the Big Donut tonight," She went on, beaming, "It's friday, so I can stay over at Steven's place. And I'm sure he'd let you stay over too if you asked him."

I sighed, realizing I wasn't getting out of this, 'I don't know where the Big Donut is. I just moved here, and I haven't looked around.'

"Oh," Connie pulled out a phone, "Give me your number and I'll text you the exact location. Then I can tell Steven to meet us! This is going to be amazing!"

If this Steven is as excitable as Connie, then it's going to be a long night.


"Steven!" Connie held onto my hand as she ran inside, "This is (Y/N)! I thought you guys might get along!"

I waved, placing my other hand in my pocket.

He smiled, "Hey. What donut do you want?"

I looked at Connie, then signed out the flavor I wanted.

She nodded, repeating my sign aloud, then explaining, "I forgot to say she's mute. She can't speak. I was hoping that you'd let me teach you to sign so you can talk to her."

He beamed, "Of course!" Then he went to order.

Immediately after, Connie dragged me after Steven as the two dragged me to his house.

As we approached the house, I noticed the giant statue standing over the house. The funny thing was that it looked like my mom's... species.

"Who's this?" There was a tall thin woman, with a rock in the center of her forehead, she noticed my shock, "Oh, has she not seen a gem before?"

'A gem?' I signed as I backed away, 'I'm not dealing with this.'

Connie frowned, "Are you okay? Is something wrong?"

'I am not dealing with this stupidity,' I sighed then immediately ran off.


I made my way to a cliff overlooking Beach City. I had no idea how I got there, or how I planned to get back. All I knew was that I wanted to be alone.

"I had a feeling you'd be up here," I looked back to see Steven smiling down at me -since I was sitting down- he looked at the view, "Everyone who was something on their mind ends up here one way or another."

I tried to ignore him, it's not like I can talk to him, but he kept going, "I brought a notepad so you can talk to me. Do you... mind telling what's wrong? I've been told I'm easy to talk to."

His face was so kind, a little smirk as he spoke. It wasn't like he was being cocky, he was just playing around. It was like he was trying to calm any nerves I might have about talking to him.

So I picked up the notepad, 'I just don't like that gem stuff.'

He read the paper, "Yeah I get that. I didn't wanna deal with gem stuff for a while either. Though my situation was a bit odd. You see..."

He reached down to his shirt to lift it up, so I covered my eyes.

He laughed a little, and put his hands over my own, "No it's not like that. Just trust me for a minute."

I lowered my hands, then he lifted his shirt, just far enough to shock me.

"My mom was Pink Diamond," He let his shirt fall back down, "So I had to deal with her friends and enemies. It kinda sucked."

This was the first time I saw... someone like me.

'I need you just trust me for a minute.'

I pulled my shirt down a little, not enough to reveal anything, except my gem.

Steven's eyes lit up, "You have a gem! A sapphire!"

He bolted up, "I have to show you to Garnet! I can't believe this! Can you-!?"

He started going on and on about abilities sapphire's apparently have. With every word I shrunk a little farther into myself. I felt bad that I couldn't answer any of his questions. I didn't know any of this stuff.

I grabbed the paper, 'I don't know.'

Steven grabbed the paper, then calmed down. He sat back down and noticed the light tears in my eyes.

"Hey! It's okay!" He placed his hands on my cheeks, whipping my eyes, "I didn't mean to make you upset! I just got excited!"

He realized how close he was and let go of my face, "I never thought I would meet another half-gem."

I smiled, then placed my lips on his cheek, 'It's okay.'

He blushed, "Do you..? Want me to teach you about gems?"

'Yeah. I'd like that.'

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2021 ⏰

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