Pearl X Reader (Love of My Life)

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(A/N: I'm putting a few non-requests for just an example of what I can do. This is just an Idea I had with the Steven Universe movie, plus Pearl is my original bae. This takes place during the movie! BTW: at this point you have gotten your memories back, and you and Pearl are already dating.)

I had made my way to the storage unit with Steven, the recovered Amethyst, and the very unrecovered Spinel. I had gotten my memory back relatively easily. But the next on our list was my girlfriend, Pearl. She had only been my girlfriend for twelve years, but I couldn't wait to get her back.

"I'm afraid I can't help you. Currently I am in the service of my Um Greg Universe, to witness the ensemble in the 'Rockeen Roll' genre."

Ame chuckled at this, but it hurt my heart. Here my love is, back to the horrifying life as a slave. I know I might be exaggerating, but I can't help it! It hurts. It hurts to think that the love of my life doesn't even remember my existence as anything more than just another {Your Gem}.

I heard Greg talking to Mayor Nanafua about the concert. Something about dropping the cover charge, I don't care. I just want my Princess back.

"How's Amethyst?" Greg asked as he got off the phone.

Ame, being the joker she is, started talking in a robotic voice, "Who is Amethyst?"

"Oh no! She's worse!"

She laughed, "Nah, I'm just goofin'!"

Greg got this relieved look on his face, "To soon Amethyst. Too soon."

When we got to the concert, they got ready to start the song to try and bring back my princess. I got on stage with the band and Ame. I got on keyboard, Sadie was going to let me sing the second verse. I only really agreed because Sadie thought it might help if Pearl heard my voice. I haven't really talked since I got my memories back.

It began.

Sadie began to sing:

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Thank you for gracing me

With your presence!

Good afternoon, Sir

What can I do, Sir?

Just say the word, Sir

Anything for you, Sir

Your friends all say, Sir

"You don't deserve her"

I disagree, Sir

I live to serve, Sir"

Everyone on stage joined in:

"I think about

All the wasted time I've spent

I wanna be disobedient

I shoot awake

Wondering where my summers went

I wanna be disobedient

Disobedient, disobedient"

My turn:

"I've been good, Sir

So very, very good for what?

And I've given you

Every single thing I've got

It's feeling strange, man

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