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I know this update is very late and I am really sorry 💔.


Without a second thought, I filled a glass with water and poured it over his head.

Well, that shut him up.

"You're kidding me, right?"

I didn't say anything. Demetri's slightly spikey hair was now drenched in water and he looked like he still couldn't believe I would do something like that.

"My Queen, the masters have asked me to escort you to the throne room. Would you please follow me?"

He said, composing himself. I walked past him and slipped on my shoes and jacket on the way.

The walk consisted of Demetri trying to start a conversation but giving up after a while as I didn't say anything.

We arrived at the throne room and two guards opened the doors for us. As soon as we entered all eyes were on us.

Felix burst out in laughter as soon as he saw Demetri.

"Dude, why are you drenched in water?" He wheezed between his laughs.

"I had an unfortunate run-in with a water glass" he answered, giving me a pointed look.

I smirked slightly and a few vamps started to chuckle.

"How did you sleep, my dear?" Aro asked when everyone had calmed down.

I just shrugged. The bed was more than comfortable but I didn't want to give these bloodsuckers the satisfaction.

The kings looked disappointed when I didn't answer verbally but overplayed it quickly.

"Mate, come here please," Caius said, stretching his arms out to me.

Slowly I walked towards him and up the steps, which had already been repaired after the incident yesterday.

Vampires work fast. Well unless your name is Edward and can't admit your feeling to a human girl.

Caius got up as soon as I was in front of him and gently pushed me onto his throne.

I kinda expected it to be warm but then remembered that he didn't have any body-heat that could warm it up.

"Jane and Alec have volunteered to guard you in Forks, together with either Felix, Demetri, or Santiago"

I tilted my head at the last name, not recalling who he was.

"Santiago is the one you kicked between his legs," Jane said, nodding in the direction of a vampire who was standing in the far end of the room with his arms crossed, huffing.

"I wasn't really expecting her to attack me, was I? Besides, she's stronger than she looks" he whined.

"Ha, you got beat up by a girl" Felix shouted and a few guards laughed.

"Aren't Jane's powers much stronger than yours?" I asked, raising my brow.

"AH" Felix shouted in shock, due to my sudden question. "Uff...that's not fair."

"Would you perhaps like to eat something? If I am right you haven't eaten in over three days, which is not good for a human." Caius asked with a smooth voice, that sent shivers down my spine.

I nodded and slipped off his throne. He tried to take my hand but I pulled away quickly.

"We have a trial now, so I won't be able to join you. Jane and Alec will make sure you have everything you need"

And make sure you don't get killed accidentally...

Caius didn't say that part but I knew he thought it. Almost nobody here knew me and the chance that a vampire thought I was lunch, was not so small.

Jane and Alec led me to the kitchen, which was surprisingly modern, not like the rest of the castle. Although the bathrooms seemed to be very new as well.

Multiple humans were working with her and I also saw a blonde vampire with ruby eyes there.

"Jane, what are you two doing here? I thought you don't like cooking" the vampire asked.

"Master Caius wanted us to make sure his mate gets fed" she answered, not nearly as enthusiastic.

"OMG...you are the new queen. Wow, you look amazing." She tried to hug me but I took a quick step back.

"Corin, you are making her uncomfortable" Alec said.

"I'm sorry, I'm just so excited to meet you. Santiago said you kicked him...I'm so proud"

All of her positive energy was starting to give me a headache.

"What would you like to eat my queen?" Jane asked me after I sat down at the counter.

"Shado" I only said. I wasn't a queen, not even a maid. Maybe a prisoner.

"I do not know that dish...what is it" Corin tilted her head in confusion.

"That her name" Alec helped. "It would not be proper if we didn't speak to you with your title"

Oh, I knew all about titles.

I was called many things in my life. From a useless brat to dead.

Being dead is peaceful. At least that is what is said. And I partly agree.

I was only dead for about eight minutes before my heart started beating again.

I remember waking up. He hugged me and almost started crying. Sarah thought me how to braid during the next few days, as I couldn't really move around.

I don't remember exactly what happened. It's like a blur, shouting, guns firing, and then pain. Until it stopped.

"So my queen, what do you fancy?"

I didn't answer. I was done with people giving me names that I didn't want.

My name was Shado. No last name. Just Shado.

"My queen?"

I shook my head and got up. Without another word I walked out of the kitchen, leaving three confused vampires behind.

Three monsters. But if I had learned anything about monsters it was that they didn't let you leave. They hunted you down until you were dealt with.

Until you wouldn't be a problem anymore.

"Where are you going?" Alec shouted catching up to me. I didn't answer. I needed air.

I was on an island for three years and never ever was I in a stable house.

Either in a plane wreck.
A cave.
A tent.
Or in a cell on the ship by the shores of the island.

"SHADO" Jane suddenly screamed and I whipped around, meeting her stare.

I looked into her blood-red eyes and stared her down. Literally, she was smaller than me.

"When will you people understand? I am nothing. Especially not a queen. I lived too many years surrounded by monsters...I've had enough"

In the shadows (Caius Volturi)Where stories live. Discover now