Shopping and walks

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I am really sorry this chapter took so long. I am on holiday and I don't really have much time. Luckily (note the sarcasm) school starts in three days so I will hopefully have more time (and Wifi).

Shado woke up in Jasper's arms. She was pressed against his cold chest while Alice was leaning on his other side. She was carefully combing Shado's hair with her hands. Shado panicked for a moment, trying to get away from Jasper's hold but gave up when he held her tighter, whispering soothing words in her ear.

They all stayed like that for a while. Shado on Jasper lap, his arms around her while her face was hiding in his neck and Alice with one arm on her back.

After another thirty minutes, Shado got up, wiggling her way out of the two vampires hold.

"Come on, I think Esme made breakfast," Alice said, giving Shado a smile before taking her hand in hers, pulling her to the kitchen. True to her words Esme was standing behind the stove frying an egg and bacon.

"Good morning dear, did you sleep well after the little incident tonight?" She asked in a motherly tone.

Shado nodded slowly not really knowing what she should say. It had been a long time since anyone cared how she slept or cared at all, to be honest. But at the same time, she felt like she was betraying him. He always made sure she was okay, even if it was impossible for both of them to be okay. Every time she closed her eyes she saw his face. The picture of him lying on the ground not moving was permanently burned in her brain. She could basically still feel the icy water and the cold wind from that day.

Shado finished her meal and went upstairs to put her old, now freshly washed, dried and fixed, clothes on. She carefully put the paper plane in the side pocket of her leather jacket.

Quietly Shado went to the front door and slipped out. It wasn't that she hadn't liked it with the Cullens, they had been nothing but friendly, but she didn't want to get attached to anyone.
She had learned the hard way that trusting someone was dangerous.

Shado had been walking through the forest for a few minutes. She had no idea where she wanted to go, but maybe she would stay in Alaska. It was really nice here.

Suddenly someone came out behind her. She spun around, holding her dagger to the person neck.

"Wow...calm down. It's me, Jasper. Hey...I was worried when I didn't find you in the house. Why are you out here?" He said, his golden eyes filled with confusion.

Shado pulled the knife away from his throat, taking a step away from Jasper. He reached for her but she shied away making him frown.

"You can stay with us longer. You don't have to go yet. We...I want you to stay"

He slowly took her hand in his pulling her towards the house. Jasper crouched down and Shado smiled a little before jumping on his back.

You could already see the house when Shado tugged on a strand of Jasper's hair pulling him to the left away from the house.

"What? Don't you want to go back?" He asked confused. She was fine before so why would she be like this now. Again Jasper wished he could feel her emotions, she was so confusing, but every time he tried he was blocked.

Shado shook her head, pointing to the woods.

"You want to extend our walk and come back later?"

She nodded her lips holding a tiny smile. It was barely noticeable but definitely there.

It was already starting to get dark when Jasper and Shado returned to the house. The whole time Jasper was with her. He heard her heartbeat and smelt her blood, but he didn't want to drink it. It felt more like he wanted to protect it. Her blood calmed him down.

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