The waves will drown you

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Shado didn't answer. She only got up und held out her hand to Leah and pulled her up as soon as she took it.

"Come on. I was supposed to get you for lunch. The boys will eat it all if we don't hurry up" Leah nodded with a smile and they walked back to the house. When they entered the boys were chatting loudly while pigging at the food.

The two girls sat down, and Leah immediately started eating as well. Shado spent the day with the wolves and Emily. It was already dark when the phone in the kitchen rang.

Sam picked up and his face went stoic as soon as the person on the other side stared talking. He quickly put it on speaker so everyone could listen.

"Hello, Carlisle Cullen here. We are sorry to bother you, but we wanted to ask it Shado is with you? She left this afternoon, and we haven't seen or heard from her yet. Normally she leaves message and we already searched our side, or at least as far as she would get."

"Yeah, Seth and Jacob ran into her earlier. Literally. Perhaps in the future if you have a human living with you that wears your kinds clothes and doesn't really have her own scent, you can give us a heads up, so we don't mistake her for a vampire."

"Did they hurt her?" Carlisle's voice came rushed. You could hear someone growl in the background and something break.

"No, she's fine. Jake tackled her before they noticed she wasn't a leach, so she might have bruise from the impact but otherwise she is fine."

Carlisle sighed in relief. "Can you bring her to the treaty line please?" Sam was about to ask Shado when they noticed she wasn't there anymore.

"What the fuck" He exclaimed. Shado sat closest to the door so it was no problem for her to slip out while everyone was focused on the phone.

"Is everything okay?" They heard Esme ask but they were all too stunned to answer. They all hadn't believed this human could simply slip without anyone noticing. "Yeah fine. Uhm...she might be on the way to you now, as she kinda slipped out while we were talking, but I'll have some of us look for her, how far could she get?"

The answer? Very far. Years of training and running away from enemies had given her quite the condition so by the time everyone had noticed she was gone she had come very far. She had blocked her scent as much as possible as well as her heartbeat. Her feet hit the ground soundlessly as she raced through the woods. The trees whizzed past her, she jumped over fallen trees and duked underneath big branches, never once losing her speed.

She knew she didn't have to go out so far and she could probably slow down a little, but she loved tis feeling. A feeling she had missed. The feeling of being hunted. The adrenaline was pumping through her veins and she could hear her heartbeat in her eyes.

When she reached the end of the woods she finally stopped and sat down by the cliffs, staring out onto the ocean. The waves crashed against the rocks beneath her, foam and saltwater spraying up the cliffs, but not far enough to get her feet wet.

She was still on the wolf's side, so she wouldn't have to worry about any of the Cullen's or Volturi finding her. Shado had been sitting by the cliff for almost twenty minutes when she suddenly heard someone behind her. She jumped up and saw a vampire with fiery red hair and blood red eyes.

"Hello little human. Aren't you the Cullen's little pet? If it makes you feel better, I like you more than the shield, but that won't help you now. I'll just kill you first."

Shado didn't really feel better, knowing she wasn't as bad as Bella. That's like saying I'd rather spend time with you than be killed brutally.

Before Shado could react, Victoria held her up by her neck, dangling her over the edge of the cliffs. "It might even look like an accident. Oh, how they would weep, losing their precious daughter. I wonder if you're assassin friend would like to keep your corps. That's right. I know about it. The life you tried to hide from your new family. How would they react if they knew...if the knew about everything that happened on- "

Before Viktoria could finish her sentence, she was hit very hard by a fist. There was a loud crack from Shado's wrist, but the human ignored it. Viktoria gasped as she held her hands in her face, dropping Shado in the process, her nose had been broken by a human. A human!

This moment wasn't the best thought through one that Shado had ever witnessed. Sure, the vamp wasn't choking her anymore, but now she was falling a few hundred feet into the ocean. How she manged to avoid the giant rocks when she landed was a mystery to her. With a loud splash she hit the water. The current was very strong and for a few seconds she tried to get back to the surface when she suddenly stilled.

Then she froze. Memories came crashing into her. The boat. The storm. Shado tried to think but it all came back to her. All the deaths. By now her lungs were screaming for oxygen. There were black spots appearing in her vision and then she felt a huge wave crash her against a pile of rocks, knocking the last bit of air out of her. Shado had broken her rips more often than she would like to admit and she new that she had at least fractured them badly this time. You could see blood mixing with the salt water and hissed when it came in contact with her wound.

With the last bit of strength, she tried to get back u to air, but the waves kept holding her down. Just like last time. She felt the fear consuming and her last thought was of him. She promised she would survive, but he also broke his...he died. Just like she would...

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