It's finally over

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Caius didn't really know what to say now. He had managed to lose his mate, went on a wild goose hunt to find her and when he tried to find out anything about where she had been or why she had left she told him she was with a friend. Nothing else. His instincts were screaming at him to find his mate, bring her into his arms and protect her. Never in his 3000 years of living had he thought that his mate would be such a mystery.

"Do you want the knife back?" he suddenly asked. Shado was surprised at this question, she had thought the ancient vampire would at least be angry that she just left in the middle of the night, not telling anyone where she was going or who she was meeting. 

"What knife?" Shado's voice rang through the phone.

"The one you left in this human. Valentino?"

"Oh" was all she answered. Honestly, in the last day so many things had happened, she completely forgot that she never actually pulled out the knife that Slade had given her. She was after all too busy running from a group of vampires. "That would be great. Sort of forgot it there."

Caius made an understanding hum and signaled Demetri to ring the Volturi Guards that had stayed by the body to bring the knife with them when they came. "So, where are you?"

"It's a really long story but-" Shado was interrupted by a voice on the other side. "If you tell them were we are I will have to kill you". It was the voice of an older man and Caius growled loudly. Not only was his mate with a man but this man also said he would kill her. "Shut up Anatoly. Caius, as you heard you can't really pick me up from here but I could meet you back in Volterra. I'm taking their Jet to Italy and we could just meet up there. I am sure the Cullen's are also worried so maybe you could tell them that I am okay, or something like that."

Caius didn't want to leave his mate I the hands of some weird people he had never heard of but he had no choice and he was sure that Shado would be able to handle the situation.

After all, she had managed to escape a vampire coven, that itself was very impressive. "Okay" he finally answered with a sigh.

"I'm sorry" Shado said before putting the phone down. It didn't take the Volturi too long to get back to Volterra. They had to round up all the guards and then just get to their private yet, followed by running back to Volterra as they couldn't land there, but by the time they were all back in the castle, Shado was sitting in the foyer on one of the sofa's, looking like nothing had happened at all.

As soon as Caius saw her she was back in his arms, pressed firmly against his broad body. "Don't do that again. I worried a lot." Shado just nodded and curled herself around him a little bit more, leaning her head on his shoulder. When Caius tried to pull away so they could go to the throne room she didn't let him go. Rather she jumped up, wrapping her arms around his waist. Caius was shocked for a moment before he caught her.

By the time the group arrived at the throne room Shado was asleep on Caius' shoulder. Aro laughed when he said this. He knew how worried his soul brother had been recently and was happy that things seemed to be going better with Shado now. Or at least she felt safe enough to be around him.

When Shado woke up again she was in Caius' room. Said vampire was sitting by the window reading a book that looked so old it might fall apart in any given second. When Caius heard the heartbeat of his mate change he knew she was awake so he put the book down carefully before walking towards his mate.

"I'm sorry for worrying you. Uhm...when I was born I was abandoned by my parents. They didn't want me and threw me into an orphanage. At the age of five I left the place, well more like I was thrown out and landed on the streets. One day I found myself on a boat, the man said we were going fishing, it was an adventure, but then there was a storm. The boat shattered, the man died and I was on an island, where I also met Slade. There was an organization on this island they were trying to make superhumans. When they caught me they also did some experiments on me, hence my unusual powers. They didn't expect me to escape and then join Slade. The group was led by Valentino.

When I got back I saw his face every time I closed my eyes. Then we suddenly were so close to that bastard and I couldn't just let him get away. So I went and got my revenge. I am sorry for not telling you but I just needed to free me from him."

Caius wrapped his arms around her frail body. "It's okay. I understand."
"Can we start again? I know I've been very difficult but I was still afraid of Valentino. That he would use you to threaten me."

"I felt the same way. I was only ever really at peace after I killed my father. We should start new. My name is Caius Volturi"

Shado smiled widely. "My real name is Angel I think, my parents named me that as far as I know, but my name now is Shado."

"Well it truly is a pleasure to meet you."

So this is the last chapter of my book. I am really sorry it took so long to update. Thank you all for reading the book and thank you for all the likes and comments.

I hope you enjoyed reading this book and I'd be really happy if you checked out my other books.

Thanks for sticking around :)

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