Moving again

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True to Jasper's word they all watched a film. Shado didn't utter one single word after the incident in her room.

It was almost like it never even happened. Only she didn't smile. In fact, she didn't do anything. She just stared at the TV with a blank expression.

The storm outside had ceased and the noise of the television and Emmetts laughter was loud enough to block it out.

Every few minutes the Cullens would glance at her worried. Jasper had his arm around her, keeping her close.

Finally, Carlisle spoke

"Shado...what happened? We didn't know you could talk"

She only raised her head and stared at the blonde vampire. Her eyes weren't filled with fear anymore. To be honest it looked like they weren't filled with anything at all. Just dull.

"некоторые молчат, потому что никто бы их не слушал, если бы они все равно говорили"

(Some silent are silent because nobody would listen to them if they talked anyway)

"Uhm...what? Can you also speak English or something, because I have no idea what the hell you just said?" Emmett asked, making Carlisle sigh.

He had tried to get Emmett to at least learn Italien, as the royal vampire family lived in Italy but he had given up.

"We're worried about you belong to the family," Esme said in a soft voice. She had a kind smile on her lips. The kind of smile where you feel loved and happy.

"не привязывайся ко мне. это не закончится хорошо. этого никогда не бывает"

(Don't get attached to me. It won't end well. It never does)

"Why would you say that? Are you talking about your parents-"

"I don't remember them. Sometimes I see their faces but I don't remember anything they ever said or did" Shado hissed in perfect English. She had a very slight accent but it was barely noticeable.

"I understood that," Emmett said after a while, breaking the tense silence.

"But why did you then 'say' you couldn't speak?" Rosalie asked interested. She wasn't angry at Shado. The first few days after her change Rose didn't speak either. The memories of her human life still fresh in her brain. Only when she met Emmett did she start to open up a little bit. Shado had been with them for a few months now but she didn't have a mate to help her out of the situation.

"We're not angry darling. Just confused. We don't think any less of you"

Shado didn't say anything. She just blankly stared at the little table in front of her.

"I promised him that..."

Her voice broke.

"Why don't you go to sleep. It's been a long evening and we can talk a little bit more tomorrow" Jasper said, breaking out of his silence. He had tried to read her emotions again but to no avail. It was like running into thick fog over and over again. You got lost before you could even get anywhere and the more you tried the more you got lost in it.

"Could you stop trying to read my mind and emotions it's quite annoying" Shado suddenly said.

Edward fell off the piano chair in shock. Normally people didn't notice when he used his gift. The Cullens knew he did but they didn't feel anything.

"How did you-"

"The same way you can't get into my head. I'm really weird"

"Were you born like this?" Carlisle asked. He actually wanted to wait till tomorrow with his questions but this interested him.

"No. I was at the wrong place at the wrong time"

This threw more questions up than it answered but Jasper pulled Shado upstairs.

The next morning was like every other one. Shado got ready and went downstairs.

Emmett and Jasper were playing Call of Duty while Rose and Alice were looking through some fashion magazines.

Esme was in the kitchen cooking some breakfast for Shado and Carlisle and Edward sat there reading.

"Good morning Shado," Carlilse said as soon as she entered the room.

After she ate the whole family sat down at the table and looked at her, waiting.

"So...I guess you have questions?"

"Yes...for starters why did you pretend to be mute?"

"It was safer. The less I say the less you know about me. It's easier to disappear that way. Just in case I would have to"

"Who are the he and they you were referring to"

"Pass," Shado said immediately.

------------Time skip 2 years----------
(I'm sorry but I want to get the story going)

It had been almost three years since Shado joined the Cullens. They had recently celebrated her 17th birthday, meaning she looked as old as her 'siblings'.

Her bond to Jasper had grown and he was a father figure to her. The first time she called him dad, Jasper just froze and then teared up in happiness. Of course, he couldn't cry but his eyes filled with venom.

Shado and Alice weren't as close, meaning she didn't see the pixie-like vampire as a mother. They were still friends and did things together but Alice was more like an aunt.

In all the years she had lived with the vampire coven she never went to school. Shado was fine with talking to the Cullens, mostly Jasper, but she still hated interacting with anyone else.

Despite her living with them, the Cullens still knew almost nothing about the human girl, but she was a part of the family nonetheless.

It was midday and Shado was sitting on a sofa reading when Carlisle coughed to get her attention.

"Uhm Shado...we are moving again. We have been in Alaska too long and people are starting to notice that we aren't ageing. The is this little town in Washington called Forks. It's in the middle of the woods. You'll love it there"

"I don't want to leave. I like it here" she said quietly. Alaska finally felt like her home and now they were going to just drag her away from it.

"We need to honey. The house is lovely and the sun barely shines, meaning we can be out with the humans a lot" Esme said, trying to persuade the teen.

The Cullens knew something like this was going to happen. Randomly uprooting was never a good idea, but they really did have no other choice. If humans were to get too suspicious the Volturi would kill the coven and probably Shado as well.

Suddenly Shado got up and fled out of the room. Not soon after that, they heard the front door being shut.

"Yeah...that went great"

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