Looking for Shado

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***Nobody's position***

Caius was more worried than he had been in the last 2000 years. His mate managed to slip away from the house. There were at least ten vampires in the house, and nobody noticed. He wanted to find her immediately. His instincts were screaming at me to go to his mate. Make sure she is safe. Due to them being apart so long and her ignoring him, their bond was strained.

He was about to go and find her when Esme calmed him down by saying she did this all the time and that she would be home by tonight. The whole day he waited anxiously for his mates return. The longer she stayed away the more scenarios, of her being hurt, entered his head.

Caius spent the day reading the books in his mate's room. He wanted to know what she liked and disliked. He wanted to know everything about her. She was supposed to be able to trust him. He had been looking for her for over 3000 years and was getting angrier and more depressed every year he didn't find her.

It was like the universe was mocking him. Caius was one of the most powerful people in the world and the only thing he ever wanted was being hidden from him.

He saw what happened to Marcus when his mate died (Aro didn't kill her in this story). He became a shell of himself and spent his day like a depressed slob of stone. Caius let out his frustration through anger. He killed other vampires and was soon known as the angry king who had no mercy.

But this would change. Not for everyone though. The person who hurt his mate would pay. He didn't spend much time with her, but he saw the scars in her wrist. He also saw the weird shape someone carved into it, but he didn't see the whole thing, so he didn't know what it meant.

The tension is the house was suffocating and very vampire was dearly waiting for Shado's return. The Volturi were the most worried. The guards wanted to know their queen safe and Caius wanted his mate back.

It was getting darker, later and Shado still wasn't back. It had been over four hours since she left and finally Emmett got up.

"She's been gone for too long. Normally she at least leaves a note or takes her phone. I'm going to go and look for her."

The other vampires agreed and everyone, but Afton left to go find her. Afton stayed back in case Shado returned. The 13 vampires spread out, but not before the Cullen's telling the Volturi where the treaty lines were.

After almost an hour of looking for her when they all met by the house again. Demetri was one of the most frustrated. He relied on his gift a lot and it was a big part of him. Now there was a human he couldn't sense, no matter how much he tried. It didn't help that there was a faint trace of her almost everywhere in the woods, she really did spend a lot of time in here.

"Where can she be, she can't have gone over 30 miles away from the house" Esme asked with a worried voice.

"Maybe she went to the wolves. I know she's never been there, but it could have been accidental." Jasper said. It wasn't that they forbade her from going on the other side of the woods, she just never did. She didn't see a reason to go to their side. There were trees on both sides and Shado didn't wan to meet more people than she really needed to.

Carlisle nodded and got out his phone. He dialled Sam's number and waited for a while before someone picked up.

"Hello, Carlisle Cullen here. We are sorry to bother you, but we wanted to ask it Shado is with you? She left this afternoon, and we haven't seen or heard from her yet. Normally she leaves message and we already searched our side, or at least as far as she would get."

"Yeah, Seth and Jacob ran into her earlier. Literally. Perhaps in the future if you have a human living with you that wears your kinds clothes and doesn't really have her own scent, you can give us a heads up, so we don't mistake her for a vampire." Sam said.

"Did they hurt her?" Carlisle's voice came rushed and Caius growled loudly at the thought.

"No, she's fine. Jake tackled her before they noticed she wasn't a leach, so she might have bruise from the impact but otherwise she is fine."

Carlisle sighed in relief. "Can you bring her to the treaty line please?" There was a short silence on the other side then a loud "What the fuck".

"Is everything okay?" Esme asked with a frown. "Yeah fine. Uhm...she might be on the way to you now, as she kinda slipped out while we were talking, but I'll have some of us look for her, how far could she get?"

So now the hunt began again, but this time they knew where about she was. They all raced to the treaty line and split up when they reached it. A few seconds later you could hear wolves running.

Still, nobody could catch her scent until they finally did, which was weird. Why would Shado suddenly drop her shield that completely blocked her scent. Kit was still incredibly hard to trace but they had all spent a long time with her. It also helped that Demetri was a tracker and Caius could sense her better than the others.

They reached the end of the woods and saw Viktoria who help up Shado by her neck. The red-haired vampire said something before Shado suddenly punched her. The sickening crack of her wrist filled the air before she was dropped into the ocean.

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