Storm of truth

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I am really sorry the update took so long. I have been working on my other book a lot.

Also, there will be some Russian phrases in this chapter. I don't speak any so I used Google translate. If it is wrong I am sorry. I didn't mean to offend anyone.

Nobody's position

It had been a week since Shado came to the Cullens. She had grown very close to Jasper, though she pretty much stayed away from the others.

Nobody knew why she only really interacted with him but Jasper seemed as happy as ever with it. The two of them would spend hours in the woods, coming back when it was already getting dark, covered in snow.

Every night Jasper would hold her while she fell asleep and later Alice would join them. She didn't mind that he spent so much time with him. It mainly had something to do with what she saw in one of her visions.

Jasper and Shado were out in the woods. He had found out she loved to shoot with a bow and so he gave her one as a gift. Since that day she basically didn't put it out of her hand anymore.

Every day she would drag Jasper out, as the Cullens didn't want her outside alone, she was only fourteen after all.

"Does someone know when Jasper and Shado will be back. I made some biscuits and I want her to try them?" Esme asked, staring at the dozens of little cookies in front of her.

Shado never let Carlisle check her over but it was clear she was underweight so Esme made it her mission to change that. Also, she finally had someone she could try all her recipes out on.

"Noone knows when those two will come back. I am surprised they are home before midnight-" Carlisle stopped when he heard laughter from outside.

The coven of vampires all heard Jasper's laugh from outside of the house.

A few seconds later Jasper walked in with a grinning Shado on his back.

"Hello, we're home. Shado got hungry and it was snowing too much to properly shoot so we came back" he said with a grin matching hers.

Carlisle smiled when he saw this. The whole family had been worried about Jasper, but now he was without any doubt the happiest he had been in a very long time.

******Timeskip 1 year*****

Shado was racing down the stairs running away from Emmett who was hot on her tail. She swung herself over the railing landing perfectly before crashing into Jasper who caught her before she could hit the ground.

Of course, there was no way she could be faster than the bulky vampire and she knew this, but the two of them always made a game out of it.

About a month after Shado moved in the Cullens told her their secret as she was very suspicious. She took it in better then anyone would have thaught and she never seemed unsure about them.

The vampires had gotten used to the silent girl very quickly and soon it seemed like she had been with them for ages.

"Emmett leave the poor girl alone. She beat you fair and square. You two can have a rematch this afternoon but now you have to go to school" Esme said from the kitchen.

Shado stuck her tongue out at him before going to the kitchen. Emmett whined something about it being unfair but he was quickly shut up by Rose who threw a book at his head.

"Esme...I also wanna be homeschooled. How come only Shado gets to?"

"Because she doesn't like to interact with people. You know how long it took for her to trust us all. Throwing her into a school with hundreds of students would be very bad for her" Edward said to his adopted brother.

In the shadows (Caius Volturi)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt