Unconscious and hurt

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***Nobody's position***

As soon as the group of vampires and werewolves reached the cliff, Caius, Seth, Jasper and Jacob jumped in.

They hit the water a few seconds later and started to look for the Shado. Due to them being under water they couldn't smell her scent but that didn't stop them from looking. As vampires didn't need any air, they were able to go much deeper than the wolves but that didn't help.

Caius swam closer to the rocks and suddenly tasted a tiny bit of blood. Shado's blood. It didn't make him want to kill her to drink her blood. It relaxed him of sorts as it was the blood of his mate. But then he panicked. Why was her blood in the water? She must be hurt. He noticed the wolves go back to the surface to get some air and then return a few seconds later.

Slowly but surely, everyone was very worried. The ones who didn't jump into the water noticed how long it took to find the brunette human and the ones under water were frustrated that they couldn't find her.

By now, Shado must have been under water for over five minutes and she surely had run out of air already. Suddenly Paul shouted from the beach.

They all raced to him and saw Shado lying unconscious behind a pile of rocks. She was pale and drenched in sea water.

Carlisle immediately knelt beside her and started to perform CPR. By now Paul had linked the others that Shado was out of the water and the four joined the group. After a while Shado coughed loudly and Carlisle turned her around, so the water got out of her lungs.

"Uhm guys...how did she get here?" Santiago asked. "She fell into the water over there which is over three hundred feet away. Even if the current dragged her this far out, which is unlikely as the waves go against the cliffs, but even if that happened. How did she get so far inland? We are at almost a hundred feet away from the water. No way she would be able to go this far in on her own."

"You're right, but who would pull her out and then just leave without telling anyone?"

"I was blinded by something reflecting, that's why I looked here" Paul suddenly said.

"By what?"

"I have no idea, but as soon as I came closer if was gone and the sand is too wet to see any footsteps."

"It doesn't matter how she got her. We need to get her warm again and I'll have to take care of her wounds. Her wrist is broken, her rips need an x-ray, and she has a flesh wound at her side. Probably from the rocks." Carlisle interjected.

Emmett picked her up gently and the two groups parted ways.

"Thank you for letting us on your land" Esme said with a smile.

"No problem, have you dealt with the red-head?" Caius nodded and they left. As soon as they reached the house Jasper and Caius went to change, as they were still in their wet clothes, even if they wouldn't get sick.

Emmett carried Shado into Carlisle's office and out her down on the stretch, which they had had since Shado came to live with them. Shado fell unconscious at the beach shortly after she started breathing again.

Carefully her limp body was put down and Carlisle immediately went to work. He cut open the shirt she was wearing, leaving her in a sports bra and trousers. Her ribs were already turning a dark blue/purple and there was a wound at her side, which was bleeding.

Jane, who was standing by the door, gasped when she saw her. Shado was covered in scars. There was a really big one in her abdomen and smaller ones all around her torso. You could also see a few scars from bullet wounds. Although you could see her light six-pack, she still looked unhealthily thin.

"When did that happen?" She asked.

"Before she came to live with us. She doesn't really talk about what happened before, but it clearly wasn't good. "Carlisle said while cleaning her wound.

He sticked up her side and put a bandage around her wrist. "Can someone get Esme so she can change Shado into dry clothes. I need her to have a dry bra to wrap up her ribs. She managed to break two and fracture one."

Emmett nodded and returned a few seconds later with Esme. Everyone left the room and Esme changed the still unconscious girl. As soon as she was finished, Carlisle put a bandage around her rips, so they could heal properly.

"Is she okay?" Caius asked from the door. There was worry evident on his face, a big frown on his forehead.

"She will be. I hate to say this, but she has had worse. Was Demetri able to track a scent at the beach?"

Caius shook his head. "He got something vague but the person had been under water as well so it wasn't clear, he has an idea of it and will probably recognize it when he comes across it again."

The house was very quiet for the rest of the night. Caius stayed with Shado, who had been moved into her own room. The other vampires did things by themselves. Jasper and Afton playing chess till the morning, Esme making cookies for when Shado woke up and Emmett and Santiago playing Mario Kart with anyone who would join them.

The next morning the Volturi went to Seattle to hunt while some of the Cullen's went to hunt in the woods. When everyone came back Shado was still asleep.

"She should be awake by now. Why is she still unconscious?" Caius hissed at Carlisle. He was on edge due to his mate being hurt.

"She had a great shock and was hurt badly. It is no wonder she isn't up by now-" The blonde doctor tried to soothe the king before he was interrupted by Demetri coming in.

"I came across the scent again. The wind blew it over to me, but this time it wasn't mixed with salt water, so it was much clearer. I tried to go after it, but I didn't know where is came from. It was definitely male though and also not completely human. It had something chemical to it."

"Wow...I am more confused than I was before. That information was pretty useless" Emmett said from the couch, outing his controller to the side while Donkey Kong, his character, raced through the finish line as the first.

In the shadows (Caius Volturi)Where stories live. Discover now